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28.04.2009 10:13 - Енергийният форум взе първата си политическа жертва
Автор: meto76 Категория: Политика   
Прочетен: 73660 Коментари: 85 Гласове:

автор : Едвин Сугарев

Енергийният форум "на върха" в София се превърна в хроника на един предизвестен провал. Той не роди нови договорености, нито пък нови идеи; роди само една ялова декларация, в която не се споменава за нито един конкретен газов проект - и в чиито принципи за "по-голяма прозрачност" в газовия сектор със сигурност не вярва нито един от подписалите я.

Голямата покруса на българските организатори на форума и най-вече на президента Първанов бяха свързани с факта, че Путин не дойде. Това име беше картата, която те се надяваха да извадят от ръкава, за да направят своя "голям шлем" в игра с босовете в световната енергетика. Не стана. И нямаше как да стане.

Поради една много проста причина: България не разполага нито със суровини, нито с ресурси за участие в тяхното разпределение или техния пренос; разполага само с инфантилното по своята същност желание да се превърне в енергиен център на Балканите. Инфантилно - защото прехваленото ни средищно географско положение всъщност е лесно пренебрежим и заобиколим фактор в голямата енергийна игра - поради което в същата имаме единствено ресурса да обслужваме нечии интереси. Като, естествено, за пореден път сме избрали грешната страна - тази на Путин и неговия "Газпром"  - и самопровъзгласяването на София за "енергиен Давос" създава само комични ефекти.

Форумът в София всъщност се оказа само досадна куртоазия, бегла спирка между двата наистина сериозни форума, на които се решават игрите с природния газ - този в Туркменистан и този в Прага. Основната идея, лансирана от Първанов в качеството му на идеен баща на софийския форум - за превръщането на София в "газова обсерватория", която да извършва мониторинг на газовите потоци и инвестициите в сектора за южноевропейския и черноморския регион, не бе обсъждана и не фигурира в текста на приетата с консенсус декларация.

За сметка на това обаче въпреки липсата на Путин - а може би и именно поради тази липса, енергийното недоносче се оказа генератор на драми и скандали - но не между световните енергийни интереси, а между България и Русия. И както винаги, когато става дума за отношения между господар и слуга, основният въпрос е кой да изсърба попарата, която всички дружно са надробили.

В ролята на наместници на руския самодържец пристигнаха енергийния министър Сергей Шматко и директорът на международния департамент в "Газпром" Станислав Циганков. Първият донесе едностранно парафиран договор за "Южен поток", отразил претенциите на Русия за интегриране на българската газопреносна мрежа в руския проект, както и  отпадане на гаранциите на "Газпром" да осигурява по 31 млрд. куб.м природна газ годишно. Вторият фриволно и нахално заяви, че "Газпром" ще сключва вече договорите си не с българската държава и нейната упълномощена компания "Булгаргаз", а с "директни потребители" като например "Овергаз".

С което целия борчески патос на Първанов по отношение на посредниците - и всички позитиви, които той си приписа по време на посещението си в Кремъл в началото на годината, отидоха на кино. Оказа се, че царят бил гол - и това оголване на бутафорията в неговата тогавашна мисия трябваше да бъде прикрито по някакъв начин. Кризисният PR роди нещо наистина невиждано и нечувано: Георги Първанов се скара на Москва!

Е, не чак на Москва, но на "Газпром" - на "газовиците" и "експертите". Дословно: "Много моля „Газпром" да не определя с кого ще се контактува в България. Моля нашият суверенитет да бъде зачетен."

Безкрайно интересно е как беше зачетен нашият суверенитет, когато Първанов договаряше своя "голям шлем" с Путин. Дали наистина не му беше известен добрия стар навик на братушките: като им подадеш пръст, да ти захапят ръката до рамото? Интересно - каква ли история е учил тогава? Може ли един историк, който свръх това е и президент,  да не знае, че "Газпром" казва това, което мисли Путин, и прави единствено това, което е в резонанс с неговите имперските интереси?

Всъщност необичайният кураж на Първанов се дължи на един прост факт: има на кого да прехвърли горещия картоф, има кого да натопи за изсърбване на солидарно надробената попара. Не нему, а на Станишев се полага този път да извърви кръстния път към Кремъл. Не друг, а Сергей Дмитриевич ще трябва да обяснява защо и как България се осмелява да откаже на Големия брат собствеността над газопреносната ни мрежа. И това е в буквалния смисъл на думата дословно изразено в думите на държавния глава: "Но така, както аз при откриването на Годината на България в Русия бях принуден да водя преговори по газовите, по енергийните въпроси като цяло, неизбежно и премиерът Станишев ще трябва да поеме този кръст."

Така провалът на срещата в София се оказа оръжие във вътрешнополитическите борби в българската левица. Лагерът на Станишев демонстративно отказа да се съобрази с президентското вето над Закона за изборите и прецака пропрезидентската коалиция "Напред" -  като естественото следствие от този отказ беше изхвърлянето на Ковачки и цялостната политическа преориентация на формированието. Сега президентът отвръща на удара.

Сметката е много точно направена: ако Станишев потвърди президентската позиция, надеждите за руски заем за строителството на АЕЦ "Белене" ще увехнат - и този провал ще бъде приписан на негова сметка. Ако се съгласи с руските условия за "Южен поток", това ще бъде обявено като предателство към националните ни интереси; предателство,  което дори Жан Виденов отказа да извърши. В резултат: след един проблематичен мандат на опозиционен пост, в който ще играе ролята на единствената институционална опора на червените, Първанов би могъл да приключи партията с Путиновски гамбит: бившият президент става премиер.

И никак не е случаен фактът, че от една страна се казва: "ние нямаме намерение да променяме собствеността на нашата газопреносна мрежа", а от друга страна се настоява върху необходимостта договорите по "Южен поток" да бъдет сключени преди парламентарните избори.

Не случайно президентът императивно подчертава, че е "договорът за изграждането на газопровода "Южен поток" трябва да бъде подписан възможно най-скоро", не случайно предупреждава, че "ако подписването не стане до края на май, има вероятност това да стане част и от предизборната борба". И също така не случайно руският енергиен министър Сергей Шматко от една страна твърди, че Русия няма никакви задължения да финансира АЕЦ "Белене", а от друга щедро предлага незабавен експортен заем в размер на милиарди евро - само че срещу държавни гаранции.

Така заиграването с Русия на базата на мегаломански енергийни проекти се оказа политически капан, който вече щракна над първата си жертва. С други думи - Първанов отново играе играта на Кремъл, само че посочва друг като жертвен козел, който трябва да изкупи вината за поредното национално предателство.

И този "друг" се оказва другарят Станишев. Ну, друг, погоди!


Тагове:   Южен поток,


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Yeah, that's right. We also have some nice shots of [url=http://melinapereznaked2.freeforums.org]melina perez naked[/url] and don't even think to ignore them as this will surely be one of your biggest mistakes especially if you think yourself as one of her dedicated fans.

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My friends call me to come along and watch some movie and all I knew about it was its title "In The Cut". Of course now I know everything about this movie and the fact that there were some [url=http://walkernuder.livejournal.com]polly walker nude[/url] but before that day it was some x-film for me and I didn't know what to expect. So I went out, grab my keys and drove off to their place. They asked me to buy some Mcd's by my way to them and a few cans of bear. Yeah, we do love that kind of meetings with drinking and watching some interesting and rare movies. Anyway, my friends have made me a huge surprise by saying me "Dude, we know you think every day about whose photos you should put on your websites next and that's exactly why we got this movie that will inspire you" And you know what? It sure did.

I think you know what this review is going to be about, right? Well, even if you don't then please, let me say that you are going to watch some [url=http://tyrabanksnuder.livejournal.com]tyra banks nude[/url] right now so let's do this together, shall we?

Everybody loves [url=http://roxannenuder.livejournal.com]betsy russell nude[/url] I guess... No, not that [url=http://shakiranuder.livejournal.com]shakira nude[/url] from Family Guy as she is so damn ugly however I have to admit that in 8th season she appeared so damn hot in first episode that I got it up... But now we are talking about our celebrity, woman that was very popular in late 90's and early 2000's. Oh, to hell with that as she is still pretty popular. The most memorable movies of her are In The Cut, The Doors and Promised Land. Of course those movies are not that popular because they are good. It is just in all of them you can see [url=http://electradesnudar.livejournal.com]carmen electra desnuda[/url] and even having sex sometimes.

I've got a few pictures of her and they are basically the same. On all of them you can see [url=http://annemossnuder.livejournal.com]carrie anne moss nude[/url] in a wedding dress right on the beach and there is an ocean behind her back. Those are great photos and you just must download them too. The most amazing part about them is that she is seating on the sand and the photographer was shooting from the above which means we have a nice view on her pretty big and elastic tits. Ok, I think it is better one time to see it than a hundred times to hear it, right?

This girl right there will rock your world although you can't call her as a girl anymore as she is pretty old. But that's only a number, I mean her age. Anyway, just try to check [url=http://tripplehornnude.livejournal.com]jeanne tripplehorn nude[/url] that you will find on this website and then we'll talk.

Man, I didn't want to bring this but that's what it is you know. [url=http://murinonuder.livejournal.com]caterina murino nude[/url] is my last celebrity for today and I know that I should have included her somewhere a bit higher as she is the most talented and definitely sexiest actress among those that have already been here today. But that's what happened and there is nothing I can do right so I guess we just have to let it go and continue this marvelous review about her. And that's exactly why I think this photo that you're looking at right now deserves so that we would talk about it.

Ok, she is seating right near her bed in the room and let's pretend that this is her apartment however I'm pretty sure it was just some decorated scene for that photo shoot. I was kind of hoping that we will see here [url=http://alisonlohmannude.freeforums.org]alison lohman nude[/url] but I guess we have to face the fact that she is wearing this blue night pajama dress or something and it looks quite hot too. She looks at us with pretty surprising eyes and they are saying something like that. "What are you people looking at? Come on, give me some credit"

The other day I saw [url=http://maryseouelletnaked.freeforums.org]maryse ouellet naked[/url] by accident so now you can see a result. Yeah, I am pretty emotional, but surely not gay.

I thought it would be nice for you to know some movies where she has flashed her tits and some other private parts. There are two main reasons why I have decided to do that. First of all, I bet not many of you have seen those low budget erotic movies and second of all, I don't think you will find any other source for her naked pictures except for the snapshots from these movies below.

The most popular movie of [url=http://kirshnernuder.livejournal.com]kendra wilkinson desnuda[/url] in my own opinion is In The Cut however, back in those days when it was casted I think she hasn't thought that it is going to be one of her greatest movies as she wasn't that popular and that role she played as well as movie itself were lame. But as you can see, she has made through a lot of difficulties and look at her now. She is 48 years old and I still want to have sex with her because [url=http://danielaruahnude.freeforums.org]daniela ruah nude[/url] is hot as never.

That movie includes some sex scenes so you can count on watching [url=http://monicabelluccidesnuda2.freeforums.org]monica bellucci desnuda[/url] there and thus all her parts like boobs, pussy and ass can be seen almost perfectly.

There are other movies like The Doors, Presidio, Promised Land and Flesh and Bone so you might want to check them as well. But don't forget to watch In the Cut first as that is just a total bomb.

What would you do after watching [url=http://wilsonnuder.livejournal.com]torrie wilson nude[/url] and please explain that to us? If I were you, I would simply go and lock myself up in my room and started to masturbated. Yep, that's what you will do as well, believe me.

"It would be really great if people would realize that stars are only people with the same weaknesses and flaws, not immaculate idols." I don't think that will ever happen but let's not lose the hope. Actually, this is something that shouldn't happen at all, you know what I mean? Think about it... If people start treat celebrities just like normal people like you and me, that means they won't be popular anymore. What is popularity anyway? First, it is something that separates one person from a million. Secondly, this is something that sets you apart from the rest people and thus, it shows your ability to do something that other can't or doing some stuff better than others. For example, if you see [url=http://christyhemmenude.freeforums.org]christy hemme nude[/url], would you like to see some other unknown naked woman instead of her? I don't think so because she is popular and so hot that there is no one that could be compared with her.

Saying goodbye has always been the hardest part for me as this is really what I hate to do although I do realize that we are going to see each other on some other website or maybe even right here. You never know where exactly as neither do I but one thing for sure is that next time there is going to be some other hot chick right here.
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Another picture features [url=http://sarahlancasternude.webnode.com]sarah lancaster nude[/url] and greased with some kind of gold oil paint or chocolate. The last option gives me some nice perception on how I leaking of that chocolate from her body and to be honest I would do that for absolutely no fee. She didn't have to take a shower after that as it all would be leaked pretty nice and clean. Oh boy, why I wasn't her personal photographer.

You know what? I think no matter what you're doing for a living you deserved to relax. That's right my friends and to help you with that I have got some [url=http://marshathomasonnude.webnode.com]marsha thomason nude[/url] to watch.

"I'm so shy you know? I can go on a trip for days and not go because I am not going to sit on a toilet seat on a plane. I'm certainly not going to go on somebody's lawn. That's how I'm shy."- said [url=http://autumnreesernude.proboards.com]autumn reeser nude[/url]. Some of you might not believe to that woman that had a job of stripping nude each day during the photo shoot. Just look at [url=http://www.thoughts.com/allisonscagliottinude/allison-scagliotti-nude]allison scagliotti nude[/url] and tell me "Is she shy?" That's right she doesn't seem to be. But what do we know about that hot woman. Well, I know one sad thing and this is the fact that she has gone anymore. Don't be frustrated too much because we can enjoy her movies and her photos. She still with us so let's pretend this is not happening. Anyway, I am not in the mood to put here some bio data as there is no point I guess. All I can say is that our fathers were pretty excited back in 80's when she was on covers of some magazines or appeared in some movies. I respect her a lot for that.

To be honest this is the end of my review however this is only one link in my endless chain of hot celebrities. I still got plenty and you should expect some more reviews and some nice photos coming out this week. See you soon.

The other day some people asked me if I could make a review about [url=http://emilybrowningnude.multiply.com]emily browning nude[/url]. So, here they are.

Have you seen this photo of her where she stands in her favorite leather bathing suit with that zip on it? The photo is black and white so it was taken probably about 30 years ago or something like that. Man time goes fast, have you noticed that. I remember recently, to say for example "in 80's" you just needed to say something like "Oh, yeah it was 20 years ago" or "Yeah, but that happened only about 20 years backwards" And now we got the whole 30 so I think it will be pretty wisely if I say that we need to appreciate every single second of our precious life and don't look back. I know that sounds a bit banal but that's what life is about.

Anyway, let's go a bit back to our picture although I said you should never look back, but that's ok with her. She looks so hot on it that I think it is too late for me to start thinking about something unsexy like my aunt Silvia whose weight is about 250 pounds and she is only 5'3. No matter what I start thinking right now I won't stop wanting to grab this pair of [url=http://elliekempernude.insanejournal.com]ellie kemper nude[/url] that you can see behind that bathing suit. Damn it, why did she need to unzip that suit in this area... Now I have to masturbate on it.

Well, see you later fellows I've got to go jacking off as you noticed.

I don't think I'm the only one that likes these [url=http://elishacuthbertporm.webnode.com]elisha cuthbert porn[/url] to watch as there are plenty of other people too.

Let's not talk about her today because she is gone already from this sin world and you have seen her pictures already. Let me just tell you some funny story, alright?

Ok, so a husband comes from his tough work very happy and so damn excited. His wife is upstairs so he runs in his house slams the door and screams "Honey, pack you back, I have just one two million dollars in lottery. Oh boy, this is the luckiest day of my life." His wife got so excited so she opened all her closets and started to pack her back and she was kind of confused what kind of stuff she should with her. Then she asked him "Where are we going sweetie? Hawaii? Miami? Oh no, maybe Italy, I have always wanted to see Rome and the go shopping in Milan. Oh, I think I will call my mother right now to let her know that we have won. So where exactly are we going to baby?" then a husband says with the most surprised look on his face "We? I said pack your damn bags and get the hell out of here bitch" Now that is some nice scene for Married with Children episode, huh although it is too bad that this show has been closed many years ago.

So now you just can finish your watching and enjoy by these [url=http://billiepipernaked.multiply.com]billie piper naked[/url] and when she is exposing her big tits.

Now just relax and think about watching [url=http://parishiltonnackt.multiply.com]paris hilton nackt[/url] as this is exactly what you will do right now, of course if only you want it.

Well, sad news everyone... Yep, she has already dead and there is nothing we can do about it, you know. But I say, when people are showing their love to her and sort of things like that, this is good for her memory. Yeah, there is no more [url=http://sophiabushnude.insanejournal.com]sophia bush nude[/url] but that doesn't mean we don't have anything that she has left to us. Think about it, she has been working in modeling industry as well as playing in some movies for more than 30 years and now you're trying to say that we have nothing left for her? Come on, I don't believe in this. Let's think radically and stop pretending that she has gone forever with no signs. Those photos that she has made for her whole life would be impossible to see for a short period of time. Plus, you can believe me that there are way more other of her work that has stayed off line and I don't mean those covers on magazines or whatever. I am talking about her private photos that only a few people saw.

For example, there are a lot of [url=http://kathygriffinnude.multiply.com]kathy griffin nude[/url] that are unknown and many people just don't know about their existence. So let's have some fun with those that you can see on this website and by the way, to fulfill her collection of amazing shots, I thought it would be nice to mix them up with some fake ones as well.

The other day my friend and I were arguing who is going to be next on my review and then I said "To hell with you pal, this is my stuff and you can't decide what should I do" After that we haven't talked like for a week but then it was ok. Anyhow, I have decided to stop on these [url=http://melorahardinnude.proboards.com]melora hardin nude[/url] so let's do this.

I hope you know that she is already dead so please don't have any hard feelings about this or about the fact that I am making this review. You see, maybe she's gone, yeah... But people will continue watching [url=http://katyperrynipslip.multiply.com]katy perry nip slip[/url] and they won't stop searching new ones. I didn't mean to say that literally as the point was to say there are plenty of her photos that have been modified and now they are fake ones. Anyway, let's leave those things alone and move a bit forward because I think there is something that can interest you very much.

I saw her full photo collection and here is what kind of conclusion I've come to. She was the sexiest and the prettiest woman in the whole 80's and early 90' until Pam has come. Well, actually that wasn't that much of important thing that I wanted to say. It is just there is one picture of her while she is skating and I say she looks so marvelous that I can't even name one women of nowadays that could be compared to her beauty back there. She has these old fashioned jeans that emphasize her butt pretty nicely and she wears those old school nike sneakers. Oh boy, 80's were so good, I wish I was living there.

I got very tired today and therefore I didn't know what else to do. Who is going to be next and to whom I will dedicate my next website? Well, the salvation came quickly. I was watching [url=http://olgakurylenkonaked.webnode.com]olga kurylenko naked[/url] and then I knew what I need to do.

I think you might want to see this quote about being sexy and desirable by [url=http://lisarinnaplayboy.multiply.com]lisa rinna playboy[/url]. "The reason that the all-American boy prefers beauty to brains is that he can see better than he can think." Yep, she is one hundred percent right. But one thing I have to say I disagree would be the fact that she said this only to all Americans. That's not how it is actually as the whole world of men can see a lot better than think. That's why we need to watch for example [url=http://hollyhunternude.proboards.com]holly hunter nude[/url] rather than reading her quotes, right? But here I have done both as you can see so that first of all you could appreciate what's better and secondly I don't want to offend her honor. That is the main reason why I am comparing her brain.

Of course I accept the fact that this is pretty wrong and that's not the way it should be. People need to love each other for their deeds and their character. What do you think a woman is looking at when she meets a guy first? Well, not on his pants for sure because that's doesn't matter. He has to be smart, funny and intelligent, right? And what man is looking for in woman? First of all he stares at her boobs and if they're big, he keeps doing that. And if she walks her back to him then I am sure he is looking at her butt and nothing else, however legs are not exclusion too. But don't stop on that, go ahead and find you soul mate, not a barby doll.

I saw some nice pictures of [url=http://gwenstefaninude.proboards.com]gwen stefani nude[/url] and I have noticed she is quite tall. But it turns out she is only 169 cm. I guess if she was 170 sharp she would have a lot benefits, but it seems that she did pretty well with that height. Besides, after staring at some of those pics she seemed to be much taller than she really is. This is probably thanks to great proportions and amazing body.

Before to go any further I have to say some sad news about her... If you didn't know, [url=http://alilarternaked.insanejournal.com]ali larter naked[/url] has died about two one year ago at the age of 62. I am very sorry for that loss. We were very happy while she was with us and I won't ever forget her sexy photos. For us she was just a model and actress but for some other people she was a mother and wife. Don't sad too much about her because she wouldn't like that. She has died because of anal cancer and I have no idea what that could be caused by. Anyway, the fact is fact and there is nothing we can do about it.

I thought about what else with I could entertain you as you probably got tired from all these photos of [url=http://www.thoughts.com/christinahendricksboobs/christina-hendricks-boobs]christina hendricks boobs[/url] and you have masturbated at least once already. But then I realized that you might want to read another nice quote by her so here it goes. "I am proud of what I have got and I need an audience." First part of that quotation where she says she is proud of what she has got is probably referring to her gorgeous body and all those private parts that she had. I mean her nice tits would make any man to cumm in just a few seconds. I was trying to do that with her topless photo and I didn't that for less than a minute, although I have pretty much experience on that. If you want to talk about her sizes and other numbers then please follow me right here, below.

While watching at [url=http://www.thoughts.com/erinandrewsnudevideo/erin-andrews-nude-video]erin andrews nude video[/url] I have made some researches and here are her measurements... 33 1/2B-22-33 before implants and 35C-24-35. We can see that her breasts have increased on two sizes and she has pulled a bit weight. Also, her belly and thighs became thicker and I am not sure if that was somehow related with that surgery. But I am not denying it too.

This is it my dear brothers and sister and thank you for visiting my website. I hope to see you here again pretty soon.
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I couldn't just watch these [url=http://maryseouelletnaked2.freeforums.org]maryse ouellet naked[/url] and sharing them with you guys. This would be something that calls selfish and I don't want to be one.

The other day I have found quite nice shots of her on my friend's website and that was really great I guess. With his allowance I am putting them here so that you could also have a chance to see them. Now let's start with this image.

You can see [url=http://krysten-ritter-nude-mun.tumblr.com]krysten ritter nude[/url] seating on the floor in that sexy red bikini. She is smiling so wide that we can see her white and clean teeth. Man, this is sort of one million dollars smile out there. Anyway, as she is in bikinis we can get some nice view on her gorgeous legs and I have to say those legs are my favorite ones. Her nipples can be seen as well but back there I guess she had quite small breast because plastic surgeries weren't that popular and well developed as they now.

Another picture features [url=http://autumnreesernudes.freeforums.org]autumn reeser nude[/url] and greased with some kind of gold oil paint or chocolate. The last option gives me some nice perception on how I leaking of that chocolate from her body and to be honest I would do that for absolutely no fee. She didn't have to take a shower after that as it all would be leaked pretty nice and clean. Oh boy, why I wasn't her personal photographer.

You know what? I think no matter what you're doing for a living you deserved to relax. That's right my friends and to help you with that I have got some [url=http://dinameyersexscene.blogspot.com]dina meyer sex scene[/url] to watch.

"I'm so shy you know? I can go on a trip for days and not go because I am not going to sit on a toilet seat on a plane. I'm certainly not going to go on somebody's lawn. That's how I'm shy."- said [url=http://lindsaywagnernaked.blogspot.com]lindsay wagner naked[/url]. Some of you might not believe to that woman that had a job of stripping nude each day during the photo shoot. Just look at [url=http://megryannude.typepad.com]meg ryan nude[/url] and tell me "Is she shy?" That's right she doesn't seem to be. But what do we know about that hot woman. Well, I know one sad thing and this is the fact that she has gone anymore. Don't be frustrated too much because we can enjoy her movies and her photos. She still with us so let's pretend this is not happening. Anyway, I am not in the mood to put here some bio data as there is no point I guess. All I can say is that our fathers were pretty excited back in 80's when she was on covers of some magazines or appeared in some movies. I respect her a lot for that.

To be honest this is the end of my review however this is only one link in my endless chain of hot celebrities. I still got plenty and you should expect some more reviews and some nice photos coming out this week. See you soon.

The other day some people asked me if I could make a review about [url=http://www.adkgamers.com/index.php?/user/469-gemma-atkinson-naked/&tab=aboutme]gemma atkinson naked[/url]. So, here they are.

Have you seen this photo of her where she stands in her favorite leather bathing suit with that zip on it? The photo is black and white so it was taken probably about 30 years ago or something like that. Man time goes fast, have you noticed that. I remember recently, to say for example "in 80's" you just needed to say something like "Oh, yeah it was 20 years ago" or "Yeah, but that happened only about 20 years backwards" And now we got the whole 30 so I think it will be pretty wisely if I say that we need to appreciate every single second of our precious life and don't look back. I know that sounds a bit banal but that's what life is about.

Anyway, let's go a bit back to our picture although I said you should never look back, but that's ok with her. She looks so hot on it that I think it is too late for me to start thinking about something unsexy like my aunt Silvia whose weight is about 250 pounds and she is only 5'3. No matter what I start thinking right now I won't stop wanting to grab this pair of [url=http://kristenbellnudescene.blogspot.com]kristen bell nude scene[/url] that you can see behind that bathing suit. Damn it, why did she need to unzip that suit in this area... Now I have to masturbate on it.

Well, see you later fellows I've got to go jacking off as you noticed.

I don't think I'm the only one that likes these [url=http://milakunisporn.blogspot.com]mila kunis porn[/url] to watch as there are plenty of other people too.

Let's not talk about her today because she is gone already from this sin world and you have seen her pictures already. Let me just tell you some funny story, alright?

Ok, so a husband comes from his tough work very happy and so damn excited. His wife is upstairs so he runs in his house slams the door and screams "Honey, pack you back, I have just one two million dollars in lottery. Oh boy, this is the luckiest day of my life." His wife got so excited so she opened all her closets and started to pack her back and she was kind of confused what kind of stuff she should with her. Then she asked him "Where are we going sweetie? Hawaii? Miami? Oh no, maybe Italy, I have always wanted to see Rome and the go shopping in Milan. Oh, I think I will call my mother right now to let her know that we have won. So where exactly are we going to baby?" then a husband says with the most surprised look on his face "We? I said pack your damn bags and get the hell out of here bitch" Now that is some nice scene for Married with Children episode, huh although it is too bad that this show has been closed many years ago.

So now you just can finish your watching and enjoy by these [url=http://shannamoaklernaked.blogspot.com]shanna moakler naked[/url] and when she is exposing her big tits.

Now just relax and think about watching [url=http://shawneesmithnude.typepad.com]shawnee smith nude[/url] as this is exactly what you will do right now, of course if only you want it.

Well, sad news everyone... Yep, she has already dead and there is nothing we can do about it, you know. But I say, when people are showing their love to her and sort of things like that, this is good for her memory. Yeah, there is no more [url=http://pamelaandersondesnuda.typepad.com]pamela anderson desnuda[/url] but that doesn't mean we don't have anything that she has left to us. Think about it, she has been working in modeling industry as well as playing in some movies for more than 30 years and now you're trying to say that we have nothing left for her? Come on, I don't believe in this. Let's think radically and stop pretending that she has gone forever with no signs. Those photos that she has made for her whole life would be impossible to see for a short period of time. Plus, you can believe me that there are way more other of her work that has stayed off line and I don't mean those covers on magazines or whatever. I am talking about her private photos that only a few people saw.

For example, there are a lot of [url=http://amandabynesbikini.blogspot.com]amanda bynes bikini[/url] that are unknown and many people just don't know about their existence. So let's have some fun with those that you can see on this website and by the way, to fulfill her collection of amazing shots, I thought it would be nice to mix them up with some fake ones as well.

The other day my friend and I were arguing who is going to be next on my review and then I said "To hell with you pal, this is my stuff and you can't decide what should I do" After that we haven't talked like for a week but then it was ok. Anyhow, I have decided to stop on these [url=http://michellemccoolsextape.blogspot.com]michelle mccool sex tape[/url] so let's do this.

I hope you know that she is already dead so please don't have any hard feelings about this or about the fact that I am making this review. You see, maybe she's gone, yeah... But people will continue watching [url=http://krystalforscuttporn.blogspot.com]krystal forscutt porn[/url] and they won't stop searching new ones. I didn't mean to say that literally as the point was to say there are plenty of her photos that have been modified and now they are fake ones. Anyway, let's leave those things alone and move a bit forward because I think there is something that can interest you very much.

I saw her full photo collection and here is what kind of conclusion I've come to. She was the sexiest and the prettiest woman in the whole 80's and early 90' until Pam has come. Well, actually that wasn't that much of important thing that I wanted to say. It is just there is one picture of her while she is skating and I say she looks so marvelous that I can't even name one women of nowadays that could be compared to her beauty back there. She has these old fashioned jeans that emphasize her butt pretty nicely and she wears those old school nike sneakers. Oh boy, 80's were so good, I wish I was living there.

I got very tired today and therefore I didn't know what else to do. Who is going to be next and to whom I will dedicate my next website? Well, the salvation came quickly. I was watching [url=http://avchathq.com/forum/index.php?/user/1375-leslie-bibb-nude/&tab=aboutme]leslie bibb nude[/url] and then I knew what I need to do.

I think you might want to see this quote about being sexy and desirable by [url=http://rachaeltaylorhot.blogspot.com]rachael taylor hot[/url]. "The reason that the all-American boy prefers beauty to brains is that he can see better than he can think." Yep, she is one hundred percent right. But one thing I have to say I disagree would be the fact that she said this only to all Americans. That's not how it is actually as the whole world of men can see a lot better than think. That's why we need to watch for example [url=http://carlaguginoass.livejournal.com]carla gugino ass[/url] rather than reading her quotes, right? But here I have done both as you can see so that first of all you could appreciate what's better and secondly I don't want to offend her honor. That is the main reason why I am comparing her brain.

Of course I accept the fact that this is pretty wrong and that's not the way it should be. People need to love each other for their deeds and their character. What do you think a woman is looking at when she meets a guy first? Well, not on his pants for sure because that's doesn't matter. He has to be smart, funny and intelligent, right? And what man is looking for in woman? First of all he stares at her boobs and if they're big, he keeps doing that. And if she walks her back to him then I am sure he is looking at her butt and nothing else, however legs are not exclusion too. But don't stop on that, go ahead and find you soul mate, not a barby doll.
I saw some nice pictures of [url=http://lesleyannedownnude.typepad.com]lesley anne down nude[/url] and I have noticed she is quite tall. But it turns out she is only 169 cm. I guess if she was 170 sharp she would have a lot benefits, but it seems that she did pretty well with that height. Besides, after staring at some of those pics she seemed to be much taller than she really is. This is probably thanks to great proportions and amazing body.

Before to go any further I have to say some sad news about her... If you didn't know, [url=http://radhamitchellhot600.typepad.com]radha mitchell hot[/url] has died about two one year ago at the age of 62. I am very sorry for that loss. We were very happy while she was with us and I won't ever forget her sexy photos. For us she was just a model and actress but for some other people she was a mother and wife. Don't sad too much about her because she wouldn't like that. She has died because of anal cancer and I have no idea what that could be caused by. Anyway, the fact is fact and there is nothing we can do about it.

I thought about what else with I could entertain you as you probably got tired from all these photos of [url=http://sarahchalkesextapegdu.tumblr.com]sarah chalke sex tape[/url] and you have masturbated at least once already. But then I realized that you might want to read another nice quote by her so here it goes. "I am proud of what I have got and I need an audience." First part of that quotation where she says she is proud of what she has got is probably referring to her gorgeous body and all those private parts that she had. I mean her nice tits would make any man to cumm in just a few seconds. I was trying to do that with her topless photo and I didn't that for less than a minute, although I have pretty much experience on that. If you want to talk about her sizes and other numbers then please follow me right here, below.

While watching at [url=http://ashtonkutchersextape882.typepad.com]ashton kutcher sex tape[/url] I have made some researches and here are her measurements... 33 1/2B-22-33 before implants and 35C-24-35. We can see that her breasts have increased on two sizes and she has pulled a bit weight. Also, her belly and thighs became thicker and I am not sure if that was somehow related with that surgery. But I am not denying it too.

This is it my dear brothers and sister and thank you for visiting my website. I hope to see you here again pretty soon.
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59. анонимен - Chochqa goshti va salomatlik xaqida nima deya olasiz?
23.09.2011 23:13
Oh my, these [url=http://derossinuder.livejournal.com]emilie de ravin nude[/url] are just amazing and who told you that she is not hot. I would spit in a face of anyone who would say that kind of thing.

I remember when I first saw this picture of her I have cummed on [url=http://presslynakedr.livejournal.com]jaime pressly nude[/url] right away. It was like I set on my computer and took of my tool and prepared the napkins. Right after about a minute I remember explosion right on monitor and then I had to wash it all for twenty minutes. But you know what? It was worth it on whole one hundred percent. That's right I regret nothing but timing and by that I am trying to say that I wish I could see that photo a lot earlier. So what is on this picture? Let's find out then right away.

She is lying there in lingerie on the bed and her legs are lifted up. You can see her appetite butt all the ways and that's the main thing right there. She looks straight in your eyes which is also quite exciting and has affected on me when I was masturbating pretty nice. The only thing I wish is to come from behind her and sniff her hairs. After that I would get it up in five second and she would feel that with her ass first. The next thing you know if you were in that room you would see [url=http://montagboobsr.livejournal.com]monica bellucci sex scene[/url] and having some sex. By the way there are plenty of her sex scenes so go ahead and watch it.

If you still haven't seen how [url=http://tappingnakedr.livejournal.com]channing tatum nude[/url] looks like then let me show you some of her pics.

Today I am feeling ok because the sun is shining the birds are singing and I am not gay at all... [url=http://carlsonnuder.livejournal.com]kelly carlson nude[/url] has made me a bit happier today because I have found some new photos that I wasn't able to see all the other times. This will be the final review with her because I've done like fourteen already on different websites. This is the last one so let's have all that fun together, shall we? Let me tell you about where and when this whole thing has started and why I stated to be her fan.

I believe it was 90's and that movie called The Scent of A Woman has just came in and everybody was trying to see that movie. I didn't buy myself a ticket because it was too late but I remember after a year I bought a VHS with it and I was enjoying by that film the whole day long. It lasts like two and a half hours but I was doing my watch.

She wasn't playing there much but her character of this elegant and soft woman has stuck in my head for a very long time and even now I can't get it out of it. I was trying to imagine [url=http://leighnuder.livejournal.com]kelly lebrock nude[/url] till her new movies showed up and there were about couple of sex scenes of her. Allow me to tell you that watching her without clothes is something extraordinary and spicy as well.

Tonight we have some very special guest and you should know her by a few movies as well. But in anyway, please watch first [url=http://connellynuder.livejournal.com]jennifer connelly naked[/url] to make sure that you really want to know her better.

I can't say though she is one of the world most captivating actresses but at the same time saying that this gorgeous woman is not in demand would be so not true. I do know that she was playing in some low budget movies but we also shouldn't forget such great films like for example A Scent of A woman where she was acting with Al Pacino itself. Surely this kind of experience cannot be ignored and she made great there I think.

Of course she was playing only about five minutes or something but that scene where she was dancing with a blind fellow has just been the most memorable part of that movie.

Her voice was so damn soft and nice that a lot of people who saw that scene for the very first time when she was at the restaurant and wearing some tight black fancy dress are just fell in love with her from the first sight. That's where the interest of watching [url=http://doutzennuder.livejournal.com]cintia dicker nude[/url] start to gain its popularity and in nowadays they still want to know how she looks like without her clothes. Man, I am telling you, in about a few years we will definitely see her being much brighter than other celebrities of Hollywood.

The other day I was asked by some of my visitors to put here [url=http://islafishernuder.livejournal.com]sarah hyland nude[/url] as there are plenty one of those. His message would sound like this "Dude, she is hot, I'm telling you. Put her here instead of Miley Cyrus" and I did actually.

Remember what I was telling you about thin women and that I hate skinny girls? Yeah? Well, you can forget about it because when I saw [url=http://hendricksnuder.livejournal.com]christina hendricks nude[/url] I said to myself something this related "Where the hell she has been all this time? I thought I will never like skinny ones but obviously after such nice shots of her I have changed my mind" And this is what all regret stuff is about. But that's ok as I am going to rehabilitate in this situation by masturbating on her naked photos and something like that. By the way, did you know that there is actually a sex scene of her where she is making out with a guy? The only problem is that I don't remember the name of that movie. Sad thing actually...

I have another quite exciting and stimulating picture of her with her nipples out. Yeah, maybe some of you don't like small tits but just have a look at her shape and you will definitely change your mind. Anyway, she is posing in this blue and wet dress so that you can actually enjoy by her nipples as you will see them through that wet outfit. Oh yeah baby, that's just great photo and all of her fans should have it.

I saw some [url=http://russellnuder.livejournal.com]zoe saldana naked[/url] on my friend's computer and I thought why not to share them with you as well.

This woman is pretty cool and hot. She has her own style and that's what I like about her the most. [url=http://sarandonnuder.livejournal.com]susan sarandon nude[/url] Looks like some kind of mouse to me as her big ears and that small mouth makes me think this way. By the way, I said the word mouth and I just got excited you know. Oh baby, I would expand your mouth if you realize what I just said. That's right, sometimes we need to say those kinds of dirty stuff as living without it is pretty boring, right? Sometimes a woman wants her man saying those things to her so fellows, don't be polite with women all the time because first of all this is not cool and second of all they want you to be most the time some bad and dirty guy than sissy for example. Anywho, let's discuss this picture of her together because it is not fun doing that by yourself.

She looks amazing here and I don't know whether that's some kind of premiere or nomination, but she is posing straight to paparazzi and I guess she wasn't the only celebrity there. Anyway, she wears these long tight and I guess leather boots that show us the amazing shape of her legs. Also, she has this hot leather purse that looks like money belt. In other words, I just wanted you to check how she looks as watching [url=http://karibyronnuder.livejournal.com]juno temple nude[/url] is probably boring already.

First I saw [url=http://monicasexscener.livejournal.com]michelle monaghan nude[/url] was about a year ago. Back there she was wearing nothing and that was a fake photo after all. But today you too have the same chance. So help yourself out and read this quote by her.

"Being married is something I don't care to repeat because, for me, it's been an idea of something that is an unfair ritual." Her husband must be the happiest man on Earth. Why? Well, I don't know where to start with. How about that he sees [url=http://lisakudrownuder.livejournal.com]linda blair nude[/url] every night? Oh yeah, this is pretty interesting, isn't it? Anyway, her marriage is pretty strong I guess and it seems like nothing can break those bonds, however her hubby probably thinks that his wife is so desirable that a lot of other men would do anything to be with her. But that should only make him feel very precious about her and value all those things they have in common. My man, you have to grab that woman with you both hands and not letting her go any further without your control because somebody might stole her before you know it.

That was fun actually. But it is going to be more fun if you listen to my dirty fantasy for a while... Well, I would like to be her boyfriend and that's legal I guess. Then we would hang out in some great places where everybody could see us kissing. That's right and on the next day everybody would read newspapers or some fresh stuff on the web with that kind of title "Lucky man takes it off on [url=http://montagboobsr.livejournal.com]monica bellucci sex scene[/url]. Who is that fellow?" or something like that.

That would be all for now, see you later pals.

If you got lost, let me tell you that you are right now on this website that is dedicated to only [url=http://erykahbadunuder.livejournal.com]erykah badu nude[/url] and nothing else. Well, this is not actually like I said because I try to entertain you with as much stuff as I can. For example, before getting started my review where I will describe all her body parts, I have prepared this saying from her below.

"I'm a mass of contradictions and a hypocrite at the same time. What a mess" Actually, I thought she is pretty kind and modest woman, but after saying that I have to admit that I was wrong.

I don't know why but when I look at any on those pics of [url=http://staitenuder.livejournal.com]jewel staite nude[/url] I want to do two things. First of all, I want to masturbate on them and second of all, I want to discuss how gorgeous and sexy she is. So let's find right now what kind of advantages or shortages she has.

First, her age is 40 years old and I think this is a huge beneficial advantage. Some of you might not agree with me on this as they can say "She is 40, what can be so beneficial about this. The younger the better" This one is pretty solid persuasion that is very hard to compete with but I will take my chances. Ok, first of all being 40 and looking on 40 is a big difference especially if we are talking about Hollywood actress like her. She seems to be looking at 34 or something like that which means this is a huge advantage to have about 6 years in advance. It is like going back in time, don't you think so? So it seems that we done here.

Next thing to check would be her height. She is so thin and elegant that when I see [url=http://annemossnuder.livejournal.com]carrie anne moss nude[/url] photo I start to think she is very tall, almost 5'8 or something. Moreover, when I was watching A Scent of A Woman and when she was dancing with Al Pacino there I thought she is at least 6 feet, but it seems that Al is not tall at all. Now question yourself this "Why is this happening, I think she is tall, but it turns out I am wrong?" If you feel the same way, don't worry as you're not crazy, well, maybe a little. This is happening because she is thin but she has perfect proportions and thus we all think she is that tall. I have said that million times and I will do that again. Don't get frustrated because of your small height. Just start working on yourself and be perfect. And when people say "Wow, you look so tall on your photos" this will mean only one thing... You did pretty well.

Ok, we have done half of work so there is another half out there. Right now let's check [url=http://katesexscener.livejournal.com]kate mara nude[/url] because they are going to be next on our review. She has quite elegant and small tits but only because they should fit to her body and I hope you still remember that [url=http://davalosnuder.livejournal.com]stacey dash naked[/url] has got almost perfect proportions. Her boobs are pretty elastic and smooth which makes them looking that perfect. But this is nothing comparing to the fact that her breast is totally real and there was no any kind of plastic surgery on them. Despite the fact they are so small, she has enough courage and brains not to do that surgery. Please, don't do that if you think your chest is too small. Look at our hero of the night... She is pretty popular and her life is just great. There was no need for her to correct those babies so put her as an example or a role model, which would be ten times better than that.

The last thing I want to do is to look at any of those photos of [url=http://madonnanuder.livejournal.com]madonna desnuda[/url] where she stands her back to us so that we could get a perfect view on her ass. Yep, I know it is skinny but what to do. There is nothing we can change about this. I like her butt, honestly I do. It looks much differ from those butts like Kim Kardashian's or Vida Guerra's. This is something elegant and very cute.

Well fellows, I ain't got nothing to add to this so it seems like we have to make a summary and close this review right now. Don't forget to see other blogs here as I am sure you will love them.
60. анонимен - Turli oshxona va kafelarda sotiladigan taomlarning xalolligi
24.09.2011 20:34
Oh my, these [url=http://wrightnuder.livejournal.com]bonnie wright nude[/url] are just amazing and who told you that she is not hot. I would spit in a face of anyone who would say that kind of thing.

I remember when I first saw this picture of her I have cummed on [url=http://roxannenuder.livejournal.com]betsy russell nude[/url] right away. It was like I set on my computer and took of my tool and prepared the napkins. Right after about a minute I remember explosion right on monitor and then I had to wash it all for twenty minutes. But you know what? It was worth it on whole one hundred percent. That's right I regret nothing but timing and by that I am trying to say that I wish I could see that photo a lot earlier. So what is on this picture? Let's find out then right away.

She is lying there in lingerie on the bed and her legs are lifted up. You can see her appetite butt all the ways and that's the main thing right there. She looks straight in your eyes which is also quite exciting and has affected on me when I was masturbating pretty nice. The only thing I wish is to come from behind her and sniff her hairs. After that I would get it up in five second and she would feel that with her ass first. The next thing you know if you were in that room you would see [url=http://kristannanuder.livejournal.com]kristin kreuk nude[/url] and having some sex. By the way there are plenty of her sex scenes so go ahead and watch it.

If you still haven't seen how [url=http://spearsdesnudar.livejournal.com]jamie lynn spears desnuda[/url] looks like then let me show you some of her pics.

Today I am feeling ok because the sun is shining the birds are singing and I am not gay at all... [url=http://mcadamsnakedr.livejournal.com]masiela lusha nude[/url] has made me a bit happier today because I have found some new photos that I wasn't able to see all the other times. This will be the final review with her because I've done like fourteen already on different websites. This is the last one so let's have all that fun together, shall we? Let me tell you about where and when this whole thing has started and why I stated to be her fan.

I believe it was 90's and that movie called The Scent of A Woman has just came in and everybody was trying to see that movie. I didn't buy myself a ticket because it was too late but I remember after a year I bought a VHS with it and I was enjoying by that film the whole day long. It lasts like two and a half hours but I was doing my watch.

She wasn't playing there much but her character of this elegant and soft woman has stuck in my head for a very long time and even now I can't get it out of it. I was trying to imagine [url=http://marceaunuder.livejournal.com]jayne mansfield nude[/url] till her new movies showed up and there were about couple of sex scenes of her. Allow me to tell you that watching her without clothes is something extraordinary and spicy as well.

Tonight we have some very special guest and you should know her by a few movies as well. But in anyway, please watch first [url=http://evamendesnacktr.livejournal.com]eva mendes nackt[/url] to make sure that you really want to know her better.

I can't say though she is one of the world most captivating actresses but at the same time saying that this gorgeous woman is not in demand would be so not true. I do know that she was playing in some low budget movies but we also shouldn't forget such great films like for example A Scent of A woman where she was acting with Al Pacino itself. Surely this kind of experience cannot be ignored and she made great there I think.

Of course she was playing only about five minutes or something but that scene where she was dancing with a blind fellow has just been the most memorable part of that movie.

Her voice was so damn soft and nice that a lot of people who saw that scene for the very first time when she was at the restaurant and wearing some tight black fancy dress are just fell in love with her from the first sight. That's where the interest of watching [url=http://derossinuder.livejournal.com]emilie de ravin nude[/url] start to gain its popularity and in nowadays they still want to know how she looks like without her clothes. Man, I am telling you, in about a few years we will definitely see her being much brighter than other celebrities of Hollywood.

The other day I was asked by some of my visitors to put here [url=http://regannuder.livejournal.com]kelly reilly nude[/url] as there are plenty one of those. His message would sound like this "Dude, she is hot, I'm telling you. Put her here instead of Miley Cyrus" and I did actually.

Remember what I was telling you about thin women and that I hate skinny girls? Yeah? Well, you can forget about it because when I saw [url=http://hiltonnacktr.livejournal.com]paris hilton nackt[/url] I said to myself something this related "Where the hell she has been all this time? I thought I will never like skinny ones but obviously after such nice shots of her I have changed my mind" And this is what all regret stuff is about. But that's ok as I am going to rehabilitate in this situation by masturbating on her naked photos and something like that. By the way, did you know that there is actually a sex scene of her where she is making out with a guy? The only problem is that I don't remember the name of that movie. Sad thing actually...

I have another quite exciting and stimulating picture of her with her nipples out. Yeah, maybe some of you don't like small tits but just have a look at her shape and you will definitely change your mind. Anyway, she is posing in this blue and wet dress so that you can actually enjoy by her nipples as you will see them through that wet outfit. Oh yeah baby, that's just great photo and all of her fans should have it.

I saw some [url=http://efrondesnudor.livejournal.com]zac efron desnudo[/url] on my friend's computer and I thought why not to share them with you as well.

This woman is pretty cool and hot. She has her own style and that's what I like about her the most. [url=http://montagboobsr.livejournal.com]monica bellucci sex scene[/url] Looks like some kind of mouse to me as her big ears and that small mouth makes me think this way. By the way, I said the word mouth and I just got excited you know. Oh baby, I would expand your mouth if you realize what I just said. That's right, sometimes we need to say those kinds of dirty stuff as living without it is pretty boring, right? Sometimes a woman wants her man saying those things to her so fellows, don't be polite with women all the time because first of all this is not cool and second of all they want you to be most the time some bad and dirty guy than sissy for example. Anywho, let's discuss this picture of her together because it is not fun doing that by yourself.

She looks amazing here and I don't know whether that's some kind of premiere or nomination, but she is posing straight to paparazzi and I guess she wasn't the only celebrity there. Anyway, she wears these long tight and I guess leather boots that show us the amazing shape of her legs. Also, she has this hot leather purse that looks like money belt. In other words, I just wanted you to check how she looks as watching [url=http://pipernakedr.livejournal.com]billie piper sex scene[/url] is probably boring already.

First I saw [url=http://berkleynuder.livejournal.com]elizabeth berkley nude[/url] was about a year ago. Back there she was wearing nothing and that was a fake photo after all. But today you too have the same chance. So help yourself out and read this quote by her.

"Being married is something I don't care to repeat because, for me, it's been an idea of something that is an unfair ritual." Her husband must be the happiest man on Earth. Why? Well, I don't know where to start with. How about that he sees [url=http://hylandnuder.livejournal.com]vanessa hudgens nackt[/url] every night? Oh yeah, this is pretty interesting, isn't it? Anyway, her marriage is pretty strong I guess and it seems like nothing can break those bonds, however her hubby probably thinks that his wife is so desirable that a lot of other men would do anything to be with her. But that should only make him feel very precious about her and value all those things they have in common. My man, you have to grab that woman with you both hands and not letting her go any further without your control because somebody might stole her before you know it.

That was fun actually. But it is going to be more fun if you listen to my dirty fantasy for a while... Well, I would like to be her boyfriend and that's legal I guess. Then we would hang out in some great places where everybody could see us kissing. That's right and on the next day everybody would read newspapers or some fresh stuff on the web with that kind of title "Lucky man takes it off on [url=http://kristannanuder.livejournal.com]kristin kreuk nude[/url]. Who is that fellow?" or something like that.

That would be all for now, see you later pals.

If you got lost, let me tell you that you are right now on this website that is dedicated to only [url=http://mirrennakedr.livejournal.com]dannii minogue naked[/url] and nothing else. Well, this is not actually like I said because I try to entertain you with as much stuff as I can. For example, before getting started my review where I will describe all her body parts, I have prepared this saying from her below.

"I'm a mass of contradictions and a hypocrite at the same time. What a mess" Actually, I thought she is pretty kind and modest woman, but after saying that I have to admit that I was wrong.

I don't know why but when I look at any on those pics of [url=http://sarandonnuder.livejournal.com]susan sarandon nude[/url] I want to do two things. First of all, I want to masturbate on them and second of all, I want to discuss how gorgeous and sexy she is. So let's find right now what kind of advantages or shortages she has.

First, her age is 40 years old and I think this is a huge beneficial advantage. Some of you might not agree with me on this as they can say "She is 40, what can be so beneficial about this. The younger the better" This one is pretty solid persuasion that is very hard to compete with but I will take my chances. Ok, first of all being 40 and looking on 40 is a big difference especially if we are talking about Hollywood actress like her. She seems to be looking at 34 or something like that which means this is a huge advantage to have about 6 years in advance. It is like going back in time, don't you think so? So it seems that we done here.

Next thing to check would be her height. She is so thin and elegant that when I see [url=http://meganfoxnacktr.livejournal.com]natascha mcelhone nude[/url] photo I start to think she is very tall, almost 5'8 or something. Moreover, when I was watching A Scent of A Woman and when she was dancing with Al Pacino there I thought she is at least 6 feet, but it seems that Al is not tall at all. Now question yourself this "Why is this happening, I think she is tall, but it turns out I am wrong?" If you feel the same way, don't worry as you're not crazy, well, maybe a little. This is happening because she is thin but she has perfect proportions and thus we all think she is that tall. I have said that million times and I will do that again. Don't get frustrated because of your small height. Just start working on yourself and be perfect. And when people say "Wow, you look so tall on your photos" this will mean only one thing... You did pretty well.

Ok, we have done half of work so there is another half out there. Right now let's check [url=http://shakiranuder.livejournal.com]shakira nude[/url] because they are going to be next on our review. She has quite elegant and small tits but only because they should fit to her body and I hope you still remember that [url=http://tappingnakedr.livejournal.com]channing tatum nude[/url] has got almost perfect proportions. Her boobs are pretty elastic and smooth which makes them looking that perfect. But this is nothing comparing to the fact that her breast is totally real and there was no any kind of plastic surgery on them. Despite the fact they are so small, she has enough courage and brains not to do that surgery. Please, don't do that if you think your chest is too small. Look at our hero of the night... She is pretty popular and her life is just great. There was no need for her to correct those babies so put her as an example or a role model, which would be ten times better than that.

The last thing I want to do is to look at any of those photos of [url=http://loughlinnuder.livejournal.com]mario lopez naked[/url] where she stands her back to us so that we could get a perfect view on her ass. Yep, I know it is skinny but what to do. There is nothing we can change about this. I like her butt, honestly I do. It looks much differ from those butts like Kim Kardashian's or Vida Guerra's. This is something elegant and very cute.

Well fellows, I ain't got nothing to add to this so it seems like we have to make a summary and close this review right now. Don't forget to see other blogs here as I am sure you will love them.
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62. анонимен - Многообразие интернета
29.09.2011 21:21
&#1063;&#1077;&#1089;&#1090;&#1086; &#1090;&#1098;&#1088;&#1089;&#1080;&#1090;&#1077; &#1085;&#1077;&#1097;&#1086; &#1074; &#1048;&#1085;&#1090;&#1077;&#1088;&#1085;&#1077;&#1090;, &#1085;&#1072;&#1084;&#1077;&#1088;&#1080;&#1083; &#1077;&#1076;&#1080;&#1085; &#1084;&#1085;&#1086;&#1075;&#1086; &#1093;&#1091;&#1073;&#1072;&#1074; &#1089;&#1072;&#1081;&#1090; [url=http://finansru.at.ua]работа на бирже[/url]
&#1052;&#1086;&#1078;&#1077; &#1073;&#1080; &#1090;&#1086;&#1074;&#1072; &#1097;&#1077; &#1087;&#1086;&#1084;&#1086;&#1075;&#1085;&#1077; &#1085;&#1077; &#1089;&#1072;&#1084;&#1086; &#1084;&#1077;&#1085;, &#1085;&#1086; &#1076;&#1086;&#1089;&#1090;&#1072; &#1087;&#1086;&#1083;&#1077;&#1079;&#1085;&#1080; &#1079;&#1072; &#1074;&#1072;&#1089;.
63. анонимен - &#1048;&#1079;&#1090;&#1077;&#1075;&#1083;&#1077;&#1090;&#1077; &#1080;&#1085;&#1090;&#1077;&#1088;&
30.09.2011 09:01
&#1063;&#1077;&#1089;&#1090;&#1086; &#1090;&#1098;&#1088;&#1089;&#1080; &#1079;&#1072; &#1092;&#1080;&#1083;&#1084;&#1080; &#1080; &#1080;&#1075;&#1088;&#1080; &#1089;&#1072;&#1084;&#1086; &#1087;&#1088;&#1086;&#1075;&#1088;&#1072;&#1084;&#1080; &#1074; &#1048;&#1085;&#1090;&#1077;&#1088;&#1085;&#1077;&#1090;. &#1053;&#1103;&#1084;&#1072; &#1087;&#1088;&#1080;&#1095;&#1080;&#1085;&#1072; , &#1095;&#1077; &#1089;&#1074;&#1072;&#1083;&#1103;&#1085;&#1077;&#1090;&#1086; &#1077; &#1074;&#1080;&#1085;&#1072;&#1075;&#1080; &#1079;&#1072; &#1090;&#1086;&#1074;&#1072;. [url=http://soffportal.ru/]бесплатные фильмы скачать бесплатно[/url]
&#1058;&#1086;&#1079;&#1080; &#1089;&#1072;&#1081;&#1090; &#1087;&#1088;&#1077;&#1076;&#1086;&#1089;&#1090;&#1072;&#1074;&#1103; &#1074;&#1098;&#1079;&#1084;&#1086;&#1078;&#1085;&#1086;&#1089;&#1090;&#1080; &#1079;&#1072; &#1087;&#1088;&#1086;&#1080;&#1079;&#1074;&#1086;&#1076;&#1089;&#1090;&#1074;&#1086; &#1085;&#1072; &#1077;&#1085;&#1077;&#1088;&#1075;&#1080;&#1103; &#1085;&#1072;&#1087;&#1098;&#1083;&#1085;&#1086; &#1080;&#1079;&#1090;&#1077;&#1075;&#1083;&#1103;&#1085;&#1077;. &#1050;&#1080;&#1087; &#1080;&#1085;&#1090;&#1077;&#1088;&#1077;&#1089;&#1085;&#1080; &#1092;&#1080;&#1083;&#1084;&#1080; , &#1085;&#1086;&#1074;&#1080; &#1080;&#1075;&#1088;&#1080; &#1080; &#1076;&#1086;&#1073;&#1098;&#1088; &#1089;&#1086;&#1092;&#1090;&#1091;&#1077;&#1088; ! .
64. анонимен - Jinsiy yaqinlik odoblari xaqida bir nima divorin
30.09.2011 23:55
Every time I see [url=http://parishiltonnudes.tumblr.com]paris hilton nude[/url] I wonder what kind of boob size she has. I guess I should checkout that from some other source.

I saw the other day this photo where you can see [url=http://keeleyhazellsextapes.tumblr.com]keeley hazell sex tape[/url] having a rest or maybe that was just a photo shoot. I mean of course that was a job, what's the matter with me. Let me describe you that first so you can get a picture of what is going on there.

Have you ever wanted to see woman having orgasm? I know there are plenty of such videos but I was talking about pictures because only there you can see them never stop, right? And that's exactly what we have here. You can see her simulating orgasm but I think she does that so damn professional that it is hard to say whether she is playing or being real. Of course there is nothing that could make her feeling that way I mean I don't see even her making out with someone or at least masturbating. Maybe she imagined that ten people are tapping her ass and then cumming right on her? Well, nobody can really say because that is all about her imagination and thus it is in her mind.

Just have a look at [url=http://meganfoxhot.tumblr.com]megan fox hot[/url] and tell me how curvy it is. I would say she has the most athletic and fat ass I have seen for today and believe me it was about twenty celebrities today so I know what I'm talking about.

I think I am in charge right here as this website about [url=http://abgalid.blogspot.com]megan fox nude[/url] is only mine. So that means I can tell you what to do and you'll obey... Just playing you dudes, don't get that too close. Do whatever you want and how about I suggest you something.

Now let's just watch this one photo of [url=http://chelseahandlerplayboy.tumblr.com]chelsea handler playboy[/url] that I have watched like million times before this day. And by the way, nine times out of ten I was masturbating on it.

She is standing in her red bikinis and having nothing but them on her gorgeous body. She is so pretty red hair woman with excellent breast size and beautiful eyes. Don't get me as some kind of pervert because that's not who I really am. I just like her a lot and that's it. Is that a crime? I guess it is pretty far away from that, don't you think so?

Anyway, I prefer this photo to a lot of others [url=http://meganfoxsexys.tumblr.com]megan fox sexy[/url] as she looks the best on it. Her right hand holds her left shoulder and thus we have sort of this window that is made by her hands and her tits are perfectly seen in that one. Next thing I am crazy about is her sexy belly. I love the fact that she has got some curves on it and that only makes much sexier and so damn desirable that I can cumm in my pants right now. But I won't do that as this will take much time from me and I don't have any extra.

There is many of [url=http://evagreennude.tumblr.com]eva green nude[/url] out there on the web but not every person can search and find them. If you're reading this then you did pretty well coming here on this website and thus all of those photographs are yours now.

Now let's talk some numbers right here. She is 34 years old and her height is only 5'2. Well, that is not impressive data I would say because there is nothing to be happy for. Of course the fact that she looks a bit younger than her real age is good but being only 5'2 is just not right. I don't like shorties for example and you probably do too. Men need some long legged hot chick that could surprise him with her gorgeous and curvy forms. But if you're short and thin, forget about catching men's looks on yourself. Just watch [url=http://rihannaass.tumblr.com]rihanna ass[/url] and say whether you like her or not. Despite all those things I have said above, I think this is not referring to her because she looks taller thanks to her gorgeous body.

Now let's talk about those pictures and to be precise I meant only one of those that affected on me a lot. She is standing topless on that photo and her jeans are a bit unzipped which gives us some nice shot of what kind of panties she wears. Her tits are covered by her hands crossed and that looks kind of surprising like she didn't expect that coming.

Well, what do you know? Yesterday you were masturbating on your teacher and right now you can do that on [url=http://kellykellynaked.tumblr.com]kelly kelly naked[/url] because I have got plenty of them.

"I am very fond of that power women have. I think women rule the world because they rule all men. Manipulating men it is our primary job. That`s why we are on this planet for."- said [url=http://vanessahudgensnudepics.tumblr.com]vanessa hudgens nude pics[/url]. Well, I cannot tell that women rule the world yet because this is not how it is, right fellows? One thing I can tell is that those photos of [url=http://jenniferlopezsex.tumblr.com]jennifer lopez sex[/url] naked are ruling my world and there is nothing I can do about it.

My fantasy about [url=http://meganfoxnakeds.tumblr.com]megan fox naked[/url] was always the same and if you want to I can tell you that. First of all, there is no way this will ever happen and just so you know that I am not crazy guy who believes in stupid stories, that's why I warned you. Anyway, me and her, we are a couple (hypothetically of course). We have like big house, two cars and one bed in our bedroom. Every night we go to restaurant and she doesn't wear any panties. After that, we are going home and make love with each other for like two hours straight. Then we fall asleep. On the morning, before work, me and her still having sex, however this one lasts for only twenty minutes and this is "simple sex on the road" And then keep going like this for our whole life. Call me crazy but that's the kind of dream I have and you probably too.

Do watch all these [url=http://meganfoxporntop.blogspot.com]megan fox porn[/url] , even including fake ones because for some of you this will be like having their dreams and dirty fantasies about this woman come true. I myself quite a dirty fellow and I like to turn my imagination on sometimes.

Now I am going to tell you about some of her pictures that are very special and that can affect on your masturbation process. How? Well, let's say those shots of her can speed up it a bit. Maybe that won't work with you because I have a perfect imagination and thus it is always easier for me to cumm and I do it pretty fast. But you should also improve it you know. Start working on it today. Ok, let's see what kind of pictures are my favorite one and talk about some reasons why you should watch [url=http://zacefronnude.tumblr.com]zac efron nude[/url] here.

The first is that kind of photo where she is lying on that blue and gorgeous couch on the side in her blue lingerie. She looks at us with some very passionate and "I want you now" eyes. Her red hair proves her passion and the fact that she can be pretty dirty sometimes. Believe me, all red women like to experiment and try something new as they get bored with stuff you do with them pretty fast. Her tits look a lot bigger here than in reality which I think is a result of a good work done by a photographer. Some other of his work is pretty lovely too so don't forget to check them either.

Does anybody want to see some [url=http://angelinajolienaked.tumblr.com]angelina jolie naked[/url] right here and right now? I hope you said "Yes" because otherwise I don't have a damn idea on what else to offer you. This website has got plenty of such photos of her including fake ones and drawn ones too. All of them should make you cumm if only you like her as a woman and actress. Well, let's start my review that will keep you entertained.

Starting with this quote by [url=http://sharonstonenude.tumblr.com]sharon stone nude[/url] bout her favorite male singer, the kind of rock, I am opening my review about her. "I always liked Elvis Presley when I was younger - I told anyone who would listen that I was going to marry that man." This is just something that every single woman was saying during Elvis time. But she has become a celebrity and this is what makes her closer to him. Also, if the kind was alive I think she would have a great chance to marry him and Elvis could see [url=http://rihannadesnuda.tumblr.com]rihanna desnuda[/url], but this is not going to happen as he is dead already.

I think now it is about time to appreciate her gorgeous body as I am tired of just watching. I bet you have got something to say too because all those photos of [url=http://vanessahudgensnudetop.blogspot.com]vanessa hudgens nude[/url] are making you to do that. So let's do this.

First of all, I want you to have some clues on her like age, height and some other stuff that will surely help you to determine her sexuality. For example, her age is 34 years old, so let's discuss that first.

To be honest, I thought she is about 30 or something close to that but not more. Looking good is always great but it demands a lot of work. If you want to lose about 5 or 6 years of your age you have to work at least one year on your body. Surely this is going to be hard to do but who said looking young and hot would be easy. There is nothing easy in this life except for getting fat. That's right, you can gain weight for less than a month so that your friends couldn't even recognize you.

Some of you might say "They are celebrities and this is their job to look good. I am not getting paid for being pretty" Well, you have got a point there but you also should keep in mind that first of all, celebrities look good for themselves. Yeah, and did you think they try to look in shape and young only for their job? Come on... If you were a celebrity, would you like to look awful, knowing that million people know about your existence and they see your photos by paparazzi every week?
You need to look in shape first of all for yourself and then for the others. If you f
eel confident then everybody else will think the same way about you. Start working today and be in your best shape as life is too short to be fat and ugly. Just have a look at all these [url=http://mirandacosgrovebikini.tumblr.com]miranda cosgrove bikini[/url] and put her body and sexuality as an example that you can rely on while working. Make your body looks that good and hot.

Now we are moving to her tits. She has got quite average size boobs but they are natural which makes them so unique and precious. I was a few [url=http://demimoorebushtop.blogspot.com]demi moore bush[/url] the other day and now you can check one of those here on this site. Man, I would love to touch at least one tit. I am ready to pay her five hundred for that but with one condition... Somebody will make a photo of me touching her tit. Yeah, I could make some money on that photo, don't you think so?

The next incredible and I would say pretty shocking quote by our guest of tonight sounds like this "I've never had a handsome boyfriend. A lot of people find someone attractive that others don't." I just cannot believe she said that. This woman can get the most attractive men on Earth and how come she could never had one for her life. Maybe, the word "handsome" means completely other thing in her lexicon. Maybe she needs super sexy and perfect guy that doesn't exist on this planet.

Well my friends, I hope you have already masturbated as this is the end of my review.
65. анонимен - Zakot xisoblagich. Tori xisoblidimi yo ishonch yomi?
06.10.2011 05:03
The other day when I was watching [url=http://lindsaylohannude1.typepad.com]lindsay lohan nude[/url] on the web I thought it would be nice to give people my feedback on her.

I cannot take this anymore because [url=http://salmahayekhot1.typepad.com]salma hayek hot[/url] is so damn hot that my pants are going to blow in about few seconds. What should I do? I guess there is not much of an option there besides either remembering how I was cleaning up on my cat yesterday or see those pictures of [url=http://mirandacosgrovebikini.tumblr.com]miranda cosgrove bikini[/url]. Now that's a tough question so I think I am going to chose the cat crap as I will lose a lot of time masturbating. Time is precious and I would rather make this review than just jerk of. You know, you can do the same thing actually if you don't want to get excited right now. Most people that read my reviews are getting excited after I say goodbye so until that happened you just need to calm yourself down if that's your very first time here.

Let's talk about this quote by her and you stop feeling excited right now. "He opted never to marry. I opted not to bitch about it. I'm not the jealous type." Well, I haven't heard the most dumber and borer quote for my whole life so that's why I say it should calm you down a bit.

Ok, my job here is done so I can now go and take a shower at last. That's right I haven't been there for two days straight because I was working on my website about those hot celebrities you love the most. Ah, whatever to do to get people entertained. See ya'll fellows.

Those people that were looking for to masturbate on [url=http://Dragelinbog.livejournal.com]vanessa hudgens hot[/url] will find this review pretty interesting and useful as there is nothing better so far. At least for me.

Would you like to know how I met [url=http://christinaapplegatenude1.typepad.com]christina applegate nude[/url]? Well, first of all I don't want you to get me wrong so that's why I should say I didn't met her live and that's not what I meant. I was trying to say how I met her on the screen because I didn't know that woman until I have watched The Big Nothing. Oops, here you go, I have just said that. Yeah that movie was pretty nice at least because it had two my favorite celebrities. First, let's give some nice welcoming to David Schwimer as he is one of my favorites. Man, just leave all those characters he played and take Ross for example from Friends. That was a great show and the whole world was watching it. I am surprised that people don't recognize that fellow right now and why he is not in for some new movies like comedies or something. He is not good for some serious part as a lot of people have already remembered him as some funny guy. I think we need to give him a chance to rehab if you know what I mean.

And the other actress of course that doesn't need any extra presentations as you can see [url=http://Botsfordxi.livejournal.com]katherine heigl nude[/url] all across this website. She is the best and her tits are pretty big.

Today, a lot of people try to search for some [url=http://sarahhylandbikini.typepad.com]sarah hyland bikini[/url]. But unfortunately, not many of them find what they were looking for because of the lack of knowledge about the web and the other thing. If you're reading this, that means you are definitely not in that category.

I think I was telling you that she is the sexiest blond I have ever met so far, including real life and online as well. But even if I did, there is nothing with saying that over and over again. Anyway, let's discuss one thing that I like the most. Actually it is not just one as there are plenty of them. I was talking about her photographs. My favorite one is when she was posing for Maxim magazine because there are no other nice and hot shots of her. I mean she wasn't posing for Playboy or something like that. However, she has been playing a couple of nude scenes in some low budget movies. Speaking about movies, I think the best one is The Big Nothing because it was so damn funny that I nearly pissed my pants off. But anyway, she looked pretty sexy on that photo and wearing nothing but her sexy lingerie that consisted of red panties and black see through bra.

The other photos of [url=http://emmawatsonboobs.typepad.com]emma watson boobs[/url] can be also found from this magazine and love the one when she is posing half nude, holding her tits in her hands and that was quite nice to look at and masturbate.

Today is your lucky day as I am going to present you this marvelous website full of [url=http://allisonmacknude1.typepad.com]allison mack nude[/url] that wait for you to come and cumm on them. That's right, right now is summer and if you are not on vocation and just seat at home all day long in searches of some job or just for fun, this is what you can do by coming here... It is like I know what you are going to do and therefore you came to me. Anyway, I will take care of you and here is what I propose. You will read this whole review and at the end of it I promise you that you will have a desire to masturbate at least two times. And here I have a lot of photos of [url=http://vanessahudgenshot.typepad.com]vanessa hudgens hot[/url] that you can start watching even now. But before that I suggest you to order one pizza and soda for yourself as it is getting hot and after masturbating you always want to eat. It is like just right after sex but better, believe me.

As you know, I always try to be honest with you and thus I won't lie here at all. I said that because here is one thing that you should know. I didn't know that woman until last week when we were watching with friends She's Out Of My League. That is pretty fresh movie that I suggest all of you to watch. But the point is that until 2010 I didn't even think this kind of sexy woman exists and therefore I feel ashamed. What do you think, creating that website stuffed with some very quality photos of [url=http://leahreminihot.typepad.com]leah remini hot[/url]? If were you, then I would probably said "This guys deserves to get our best regards for creating that site and giving us opportunity to see what we want the most" But that is only me, so don't be too strict about myself esteem.

Moving up next I want you to say your thought on her body. Whether it is sexy or not? Does she look pretty or ugly? And I think the most important question will be "Has she deserved our attention?" Those were pretty tough questions so it will be surely not easy to answer them. But I am going to do that right now because if that bothers my visitors this means it bothers me as well. Here we go.

First of all, to check how she looks I suggest you to pick any of those [url=http://demimooresexscene.typepad.com]demi moore sex scene[/url] and open it in a new window. Don't ask me why you need to do that because this is pretty simple. We are going to appreciate how she looks and her body.

Let's start with her boobs. When I saw a movie with her participation that calls Big Nothing with David Schwimer I was pretty amazed by her goodies. Although I saw them only through her sweeter but that was pretty much enough for me to say "Damn, this girl has the most amazing and big tits I have ever met. Moreover, they are so elastic that even Pam would jealous." Too bad she played there a really bad character. But who cares if you look that hot. I am ready to do anything she asks me to do.

The other thing that I believe can be called as one of her shortages would be her height. I know that 5'5 is pretty average height for a woman but this is pretty low in my ambitions. I love tall women and that's it. However, for this hottie I think I will make an exception this time.

Wouldn't that be great to jerk off on [url=http://marilynmonroenude.typepad.com]marilyn monroe nude[/url] and then cumm on your screen? Man, I did that once and then I had to wash it for ten minutes. But this kind of feeling is great by the way so I think you should try it. Besides, with that gorgeous blond standing naked you will finish pretty early. I can bet that it will take you about two minutes to cumm so don't count on the long time ride.

This is it my friends because I don't know what else I can offer you. Actually, you can watch the other blogs of my in the right side bar. There you will definitely find some hot chicks like Kirsten Dunst or Taylor Swift. Anyway, this hast to be end right now because I feel like nonstop and that's not good at all.
66. анонимен - превращение мужчины в женщину
07.10.2011 03:08

Уголки губ Алекса презрительно дернулись.
Вернее, даже более.
Никто не заметилб, что его руку заклинило между креплениями.
— Ну, что скажете? — Томми выжидал.
После второго глотка по телу разлилось благодатное тепло.

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67. анонимен - женщины раздеваются видео, пес трахает женщину онлайн
16.10.2011 08:53


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В этом дело?

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69. анонимен - Виниры отзывы, Всё о фамилии юдин.
29.10.2011 01:40


Вот только ждать придется порядочно, пока у нее дойдут руки до Вашего запроса. Я все понимаю, но асамов, еще бы. Также фамилии борцов по греко-римской борьбе в саранске за 2002г, фамилии павших на курской дуге, склонение фамилии хижняк. А фамилия декана химфака казну, фамилия шкуро. Мать оценка 2-отлично (международное судейство), сертификат на право племенной деятельности.Долгое время Тимофей вынужден делать то, что ему не хочется.Это разумная, трудолюбивая и завистливая женщина, но с огромными запасами любви и нежности. Но от куда появилась фамилия шабрин. Это древо можно назвать фамильным. Так же мазда фамилия, 1.6л, 115л.с 4wd, история фамилии сюрис. Возможно, список донских фамилий. Когда начинается год Металлического Тигра?

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Пытаемся воссоздать историю семьи. В поэзии Тушновой любовь возвышает человека над обыденностью, делает его окрыленным, с ней связаны горе и радость, утраты и надежды, настоящее и будущее. Цена - 1900 руб. Брат Николай очень любил Пашу и пошел, записался.
70. анонимен - Latest Celebrity Nude Scenes & Sex Tapes
29.10.2011 09:07
You have heard that I was saying one day that there is nothing that could top watching [url=http://forum.betterworld.lt/index.php?/user/2225-jennifer-lopez-nipple-slip/&tab=aboutme]jennifer lopez nipple slip[/url] and today I am going to prove it one more time so enjoy ladies and gentlemen.

As you know there are plenty of my other websites and you might have already read that post about [url=http://forum.digitalpanic.net/index.php?showuser=10877&tab=aboutme]sarah michelle gellar sex[/url] on some of them. If you have that kind of opportunity to get back there and read that one more time with all those gorgeous and high quality illustrations then please do that. Also, don't forget to read some comments to that one review as a lot of people were saying thanks in my address for giving such new and rare photos of her. Oh yeah, one dude even said "Dude, those pix really took me and I think I will masturbate on them right now" You see, that man right there loves [url=http://forums.recessframework.org/user/15215-jennifer-aniston-nipples/page__tab__aboutme]jennifer aniston nipples[/url] pretty much as all we do too.

I have this gorgeous picture of her where she is getting pictured in that superhot future bikini. I am telling you, those bikinis are something that was made especially for this photo shoot because I have never seen anything like it. By the way, I think you might want to look at her boobs because basically this bathing suit doesn't cover them much and there is almost no difference between this pic right here and for example [url=http://avchathq.com/forum/index.php?/user/1618-kristin-chenoweth-topless/&tab=aboutme]kristin chenoweth topless[/url].

She is pretty curvy and I guess that girl loves to eat. Don't get any thinner baby. You are gorgeous the way you're.

Some people might say that those shots of [url=http://avchathq.com/forum/index.php?/user/1653-jessica-alba-nude-photos/&tab=aboutme]jessica alba nude photos[/url] that I have here are fake ones and it is not going to be any fun and joy watching them. But if you know that this is not true, I guess that shouldn't stop you from checking them out.

How old is this woman? I know it is not polite to ask woman about the age stuff as this is something they have to keep in secret but if you're a celebrity, forget about those things. Paparazzi and other people will definitely know your real age and you won't be able to hide it for a long time as soon as you become popular. But our guest is 30 years old for now and that my friends should tell us she is so young and hot that we can say she looks on about 25 or something. Oh, yeah, take a look at those [url=http://forums.recessframework.org/user/15092-holly-willoughby-sex-tape/page__tab__aboutme]holly willoughby sex tape[/url] an you will see how young she still is and what amazing body she has.

Let's watch a couple of her photos in particular. I got one where she seats totally naked in a bathtub all covered with soapsuds and she was playing with them as well. This is some innocent photo of a bad girl and it turns me on every times I look at that photo. Her tits can be noticed there pretty opened however you can forget about seeing her nipples as they are covered by her elbows.

That was amazing stuff right there and you have probably enjoyed not less than I have.

Ok, now we gathered here today to watch some [url=http://avchathq.com/forum/index.php?/user/1511-evan-rachel-wood-sex-scene/&tab=aboutme]evan rachel wood sex scene[/url] and I hope that you're having some nice mood right here... Do you know what kind of mood I call right? It is sexy mood and nothing else.

Let's start this review with describing her gorgeous and naked body of [url=http://www.xtrafile.com/forums/index.php?/user/981-christina-milian-nude-pics/&tab=aboutme]christina milian nude pics[/url] with more details. But before that I have to say that I love her name and it sounds perfect for all girls that are the same hot as her. Let me put here an example for you. How about [url=http://forum.digitalpanic.net/index.php?showuser=10899&tab=aboutme]saskia howard clarke nude[/url] Ripa or [url=http://forums.recessframework.org/user/14862-chad-michael-murray-naked/page__tab__aboutme]chad michael murray naked[/url] Monaco? Yeah, all of them are superhot chicks and I start loving this name right after watching first episode of Married With Children and its character [url=http://www.xtrafile.com/forums/index.php?/user/1006-anna-nicole-smith-playboy/&tab=aboutme]anna nicole smith playboy[/url] Bundy. I know that it was Applegate playing her but that name fits her million times better I guess.

Starting with her sexy hair that use to cover her tits on those pictures of [url=http://www.xtrafile.com/forums/index.php?/user/1009-natalie-portman-nude-pics/&tab=aboutme]natalie portman nude pics[/url] I have to say that she has got so damn gorgeous hairs that every women would simply jealous to and men would kill to have those on their pillow. Anyway, great heirs right there.

Of course it is impossible not to mention how it is great to stare at her big and pretty natural to me tits. Man, they are quite big and so elastic that I don't know what to think. You know what? It doesn't matter really if her tits are fake or natural as I think you will agree with me if I say "What looks good, that's what counts".

You don't mind if I introduce you some nice photos of [url=http://forums.recessframework.org/user/15439-jordana-brewster-desnuda/page__tab__aboutme]jordana brewster desnuda[/url] that I have downloaded in this morning, don't you? Yeah, I thought so. No other man will refuse from this opportunity to masturbate on some nice and hot chick.

Surely there are way more nice photos of her but to each of us it seems that there are only a few ones that make us stimulating during masturbation. For example, you can say you like some particular image and I can say that this is not that much excited as the other one which is my favorite. It is all about the difference in our tastes and perceptions. One man can stare at her boobs and he won't understand their whole beauty whereas the other one can simply cumm right in his pants for ten seconds.

My favorite one is when we can see [url=http://avchathq.com/forum/index.php?/user/1602-helen-mirren-naked-photos/&tab=aboutme]helen mirren naked photos[/url] on the beach. Of course she wears some clothes but that would be only some kind of fishing net wrapped around her waist just to cover her shaved pussy. How did I know it was shaved you might ask? Well, maybe because that net is not an obstacle to see through. But the greatest part of that picture is that you can actually see her big and elastic tits. I don't need anything but them, honestly. Also, I am very pleased to masturbate on her open belly sometimes as I find it quite sexy and athletic. Too bad that her hairs cover those nice nipples that I can't see on this photo.

I was wondering if you have checked any of those [url=http://gmc.yoyogames.com/index.php?showuser=234436&tab=aboutme]drew barrymore nude pics[/url] already because this is very important to me. Anyway, let's pretend that you haven't, alright? So let's do this. After you do, this quote below will entertain you.

"People always say something like "This bloody bitch gets that job in Playboy because of what she looks like." Well, this I that kind of business, what can I tell you? Either you're hot or not. Those people that jealous are always ugly and not attractive. But when any director or some employer sees [url=http://avchathq.com/forum/index.php?/user/1675-violante-placido-playboy/&tab=aboutme]violante placido playboy[/url] in her portfolio for example, then you might way the job is in her pocket already. Yep, you don't need to be smart, educated or else if you want to pose for a Playboy or shooting in movies. All you have to do is be sexy and stay sexy for a long time. Only this way you can get yourself a job and then keep it. I would advise her to get those stupid sayings in her address like a compliment or motivation. She should become sexier from year to year.

Oh, [url=http://forum.digitalpanic.net/index.php?showuser=10822&tab=aboutme]christina hendricks breast[/url], honey, what are you doing with me? You are so hot that I am losing control on my mind. Honestly, those girls my age doesn't seem to be any attractive anymore because I think I have watched too much her naked photos. But seriously, you are ten times better that any woman I have ever met in reality. Well, maybe except for Angelina Jolie however I didn't met her yet.

Somebody was searching for [url=http://forum.digitalpanic.net/index.php?showuser=10964&tab=aboutme]scarlett johansson boobs[/url], right? Well, you can stop doing it right now.

I gave myself a word that this is going to be my last review about [url=http://avchathq.com/forum/index.php?/user/1578-brittany-daniel-sex-scene/&tab=aboutme]brittany daniel sex scene[/url] as there are plenty already all across the web. You probably saw them and I am sure you liked all those pics you saw, huh? To be honest, when I am searching or getting her naked photos by email I can't control myself. So, instead of uploading them right on my websites I'm just jerking off first and then they're good to go. It is sort of quality control, you know what I'm saying. If I cumm like in two minutes that means those pictures are pretty stimulating but if it takes like from five minutes and higher then I don't put that kind of shots. I want my visitors to do masturbation as fast as possible because when you're cumming quick that means you get a lot more pleasure. Boys, back me up here.

I got this nice photo where you can almost get a perfect view on [url=http://forum.rybakalex.com/index.php?showuser=2299&tab=aboutme]lindsay lohan naked photos[/url] and I said "almost" because she has these ropes around her waist that covers her pussy and something that is called a bra on her boobs however I wouldn't call it like that because it has way too little material.

The fact that she is exposing in someone's apartment is turning me on because I am imagining like this is my place. By the way those blankets seem to be pretty familiar. I think I have the same on my balcony. Let me just check that alright?

Hey brothers and sister. I am happy to announce that we got here some [url=http://forums.recessframework.org/user/15280-charlotte-church-topless/page__tab__aboutme]lindsay lohan naked pics[/url] so if you do care about it then I am waiting for ya'll.

You know, I didn't thought I was pretty jealous especially when it comes to my favorite celebrities. For example, when I knew that Fergie is pregnant I was so mad at her husband that I was even ready to kill him. Of course that's just an exaggeration and I've said that just to spice things up you know. But it really hurt me when news papers were writing about it however I am happy for Stacy although they're ain't my kids. Anyway, the same thing I have with [url=http://gmc.yoyogames.com/index.php?showuser=234151&tab=aboutme]jamie lynn spears breast[/url] because there is this photo that I saw today and let me tell you about it.

She is having a rest on a beach and looks so happy. I can't forget those sparkly bikinis she was wearing. Oh boy, they were underlining her sexy curvy forms almost perfect and how come you never saw this one, I am surprised. Just look at [url=http://gmc.yoyogames.com/index.php?showuser=233688&tab=aboutme]keeley hazell nude photos[/url] and I have to say they're so damn big that not every bikini swim suit will handle them. I bet she orders some very solid and quality material so that those babies didn't popped open and flashed all the paparazzi around. Those ropes that handle this bra are probably made of steel or something... just kidding though.

Anyhow, the ugliest part of this picture is that there is some dude who stands behind her and touches her shoulders. She smiles and they're probably happy together. Man, I wish he was just her brother.

Wow, just look at this website... Don't you just love its main theme? That's right, you will find here as many [url=http://gmc.yoyogames.com/index.php?showuser=232447&tab=aboutme]kelly bensimon nude photos[/url] as possible and thus you can masturbate on them even now. But if it is possible, save you passion till the end and only after I finish you could do that. Of course this is not a mandatory, however I insist on that. Anyway, let's start our review about his hot celebrity.

Why don't we talk about her private parts in details? Sound like some not bad idea at all. Let's start from the top. I love the way she dyes her hair and brunettes are ten times sexier than blonds.

When I see [url=http://forum.betterworld.lt/index.php?/user/2376-natasha-bedingfield-nude/&tab=aboutme]natasha bedingfield nude[/url] my breath holds like for ten seconds and my heartbeat starts to increase fast. This is all because of her boobs as they are surely the first thing that I look at when I stare at her naked picture. A lot of people will tell you that they think her breast is fake one and she has done at least one plastic surgery so far. But I don't care about this fact although I'm against plastic surgeries in general. It is just in her case we can see a perfect result and even if this is a doctor's work, I am very fond of that result. It looks good and everybody likes that.

You should watch Three movie featuring a few scenes of [url=http://www.xtrafile.com/forums/index.php?/user/975-jordana-brewster-nude-pics/&tab=aboutme]jordana brewster nude pics[/url] on the beach. In first scene, she is just walking in water and you can see her tits along with ass too. There is a one nice view right there. The other scene is happening on the beach too and now we can see her lying in sand with some lucky guy and they are kissing and hugging each other. Then they start having sex and you just have to see that.

The third scene also features sex act but this time she is with a completely other man. I haven't watched that movie but I am willing to do that right after this review ends.

Would you like to get one precious advice from [url=http://avchathq.com/forum/index.php?/user/1588-brande-roderick-sex-scene/&tab=aboutme]brande roderick sex scene[/url]? This is about being in shape and taking care of your health. Plus, it is a bit horny so you might be excited after that. "Sex keeps me fit and healthy. What can be better than that?" Well, I don't know what I should do right now. Should I contact her and offer her another lesson of sex? I would do anything to have [url=http://avchathq.com/forum/index.php?/user/1524-courtney-thorne-smith-fake/&tab=aboutme]courtney thorne-smith fake[/url] in my bed.

If she compares sex to exercising then I am ready to be her daily coach on it. She will be in the best form ever, but first she will have to sweat a bit with me. I hope you know what I am saying, right? I suggest you to follow her advice and to start doing that regular too however there is no guarantee that doing only this you will lose weight. Don't stop sweating in gym too as this will only increase a process of becoming shapely and sexy. Find yourself a partner that would make love with you at least two times per day if you don't have a boyfriend or a husband. Or you can always rely on me. Leave your comments here and I will help you with that.

Right now here comes the other quote by her that answers the question if women in 50's were looking sexier than now. "Women were so much sexier in 50's. This is what I aspire to look like." I don't know what makes her think that way but when I saw [url=http://forum.betterworld.lt/index.php?/user/2349-christina-hendricks-porn/&tab=aboutme]christina hendricks porn[/url] where she wore a makeup from 50's she was looking damn hot. But the problem is, that I haven't found any woman that could be compared with her. I say, back in those days, there were no such women like her and the word "beauty" meant something different. You didn't have to get nude so that people would be crazy about you. Since that time a lot of things have changed and the world is not the same already.

I hope you have enjoyed all those fancy pictures of that woman because this was very hard to make happen for you. Those that haven't masturbated yet can do that right now and the rest can get out of here. Just kidding, don't be so serious.
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73. анонимен - i think the mods have a personal vendetta against me
13.11.2011 13:38
You have heard that I was saying one day that there is nothing that could top watching [url=http://wendedeni.livejournal.com]hayden panettiere porn[/url] and today I am going to prove it one more time so enjoy ladies and gentlemen.

As you know there are plenty of my other websites and you might have already read that post about [url=http://erikachristensennude1.typepad.com]erika christensen nude[/url] on some of them. If you have that kind of opportunity to get back there and read that one more time with all those gorgeous and high quality illustrations then please do that. Also, don't forget to read some comments to that one review as a lot of people were saying thanks in my address for giving such new and rare photos of her. Oh yeah, one dude even said "Dude, those pix really took me and I think I will masturbate on them right now" You see, that man right there loves [url=http://laurenlondonnude.typepad.com]lauren london nude[/url] pretty much as all we do too.

I have this gorgeous picture of her where she is getting pictured in that superhot future bikini. I am telling you, those bikinis are something that was made especially for this photo shoot because I have never seen anything like it. By the way, I think you might want to look at her boobs because basically this bathing suit doesn't cover them much and there is almost no difference between this pic right here and for example [url=http://christycarlsonromanonaked.typepad.com]christy carlson romano naked[/url].

She is pretty curvy and I guess that girl loves to eat. Don't get any thinner baby. You are gorgeous the way you're.

Some people might say that those shots of [url=http://www.xtrafile.com/forums/index.php?/user/983-katherine-kelly-lang-naked/&tab=aboutme]katherine kelly lang naked[/url] that I have here are fake ones and it is not going to be any fun and joy watching them. But if you know that this is not true, I guess that shouldn't stop you from checking them out.

How old is this woman? I know it is not polite to ask woman about the age stuff as this is something they have to keep in secret but if you're a celebrity, forget about those things. Paparazzi and other people will definitely know your real age and you won't be able to hide it for a long time as soon as you become popular. But our guest is 30 years old for now and that my friends should tell us she is so young and hot that we can say she looks on about 25 or something. Oh, yeah, take a look at those [url=http://juliannehoughnude1.typepad.com]julianne hough nude[/url] an you will see how young she still is and what amazing body she has.

Let's watch a couple of her photos in particular. I got one where she seats totally naked in a bathtub all covered with soapsuds and she was playing with them as well. This is some innocent photo of a bad girl and it turns me on every times I look at that photo. Her tits can be noticed there pretty opened however you can forget about seeing her nipples as they are covered by her elbows.

That was amazing stuff right there and you have probably enjoyed not less than I have.

Ok, now we gathered here today to watch some [url=http://janerussellnude.typepad.com]jane russell nude[/url] and I hope that you're having some nice mood right here... Do you know what kind of mood I call right? It is sexy mood and nothing else.

Let's start this review with describing her gorgeous and naked body of [url=http://fearnecottonnudeubp.tumblr.com]fearne cotton nude[/url] with more details. But before that I have to say that I love her name and it sounds perfect for all girls that are the same hot as her. Let me put here an example for you. How about [url=http://rupertgrintnude.typepad.com]rupert grint nude[/url] Ripa or [url=http://brendasongnude3.typepad.com]brenda song nude[/url] Monaco? Yeah, all of them are superhot chicks and I start loving this name right after watching first episode of Married With Children and its character [url=http://bridgetmarquardtdesnuda.typepad.com]bridget marquardt desnuda[/url] Bundy. I know that it was Applegate playing her but that name fits her million times better I guess.

Starting with her sexy hair that use to cover her tits on those pictures of [url=http://emmastonenakedzoh.tumblr.com]emma stone naked[/url] I have to say that she has got so damn gorgeous hairs that every women would simply jealous to and men would kill to have those on their pillow. Anyway, great heirs right there.

Of course it is impossible not to mention how it is great to stare at her big and pretty natural to me tits. Man, they are quite big and so elastic that I don't know what to think. You know what? It doesn't matter really if her tits are fake or natural as I think you will agree with me if I say "What looks good, that's what counts".

You don't mind if I introduce you some nice photos of [url=http://napoleonavy.livejournal.com]eva longoria sex[/url] that I have downloaded in this morning, don't you? Yeah, I thought so. No other man will refuse from this opportunity to masturbate on some nice and hot chick.

Surely there are way more nice photos of her but to each of us it seems that there are only a few ones that make us stimulating during masturbation. For example, you can say you like some particular image and I can say that this is not that much excited as the other one which is my favorite. It is all about the difference in our tastes and perceptions. One man can stare at her boobs and he won't understand their whole beauty whereas the other one can simply cumm right in his pants for ten seconds.

My favorite one is when we can see [url=http://ciarapussy.typepad.com]ciara pussy[/url] on the beach. Of course she wears some clothes but that would be only some kind of fishing net wrapped around her waist just to cover her shaved pussy. How did I know it was shaved you might ask? Well, maybe because that net is not an obstacle to see through. But the greatest part of that picture is that you can actually see her big and elastic tits. I don't need anything but them, honestly. Also, I am very pleased to masturbate on her open belly sometimes as I find it quite sexy and athletic. Too bad that her hairs cover those nice nipples that I can't see on this photo.

I was wondering if you have checked any of those [url=http://haydenpanettierenaked1.typepad.com]hayden panettiere naked[/url] already because this is very important to me. Anyway, let's pretend that you haven't, alright? So let's do this. After you do, this quote below will entertain you.

"People always say something like "This bloody bitch gets that job in Playboy because of what she looks like." Well, this I that kind of business, what can I tell you? Either you're hot or not. Those people that jealous are always ugly and not attractive. But when any director or some employer sees [url=http://natalieportmanhot2.typepad.com]natalie portman hot[/url] in her portfolio for example, then you might way the job is in her pocket already. Yep, you don't need to be smart, educated or else if you want to pose for a Playboy or shooting in movies. All you have to do is be sexy and stay sexy for a long time. Only this way you can get yourself a job and then keep it. I would advise her to get those stupid sayings in her address like a compliment or motivation. She should become sexier from year to year.

Oh, [url=http://marisamilersex.insanejournal.com]marisa miller sex[/url], honey, what are you doing with me? You are so hot that I am losing control on my mind. Honestly, those girls my age doesn't seem to be any attractive anymore because I think I have watched too much her naked photos. But seriously, you are ten times better that any woman I have ever met in reality. Well, maybe except for Angelina Jolie however I didn't met her yet.

Somebody was searching for [url=http://vidyabalanbreast.tumblr.com]vidya balan breast[/url], right? Well, you can stop doing it right now.

I gave myself a word that this is going to be my last review about [url=http://dygertory.livejournal.com]madonna naked[/url] as there are plenty already all across the web. You probably saw them and I am sure you liked all those pics you saw, huh? To be honest, when I am searching or getting her naked photos by email I can't control myself. So, instead of uploading them right on my websites I'm just jerking off first and then they're good to go. It is sort of quality control, you know what I'm saying. If I cumm like in two minutes that means those pictures are pretty stimulating but if it takes like from five minutes and higher then I don't put that kind of shots. I want my visitors to do masturbation as fast as possible because when you're cumming quick that means you get a lot more pleasure. Boys, back me up here.

I got this nice photo where you can almost get a perfect view on [url=http://forums.nvidia.com/index.php?showuser=325726&tab=aboutme]julia louis dreyfus bikini[/url] and I said "almost" because she has these ropes around her waist that covers her pussy and something that is called a bra on her boobs however I wouldn't call it like that because it has way too little material.

The fact that she is exposing in someone's apartment is turning me on because I am imagining like this is my place. By the way those blankets seem to be pretty familiar. I think I have the same on my balcony. Let me just check that alright?

Hey brothers and sister. I am happy to announce that we got here some [url=http://katherineheiglboobs.typepad.com]katherine heigl boobs[/url] so if you do care about it then I am waiting for ya'll.

You know, I didn't thought I was pretty jealous especially when it comes to my favorite celebrities. For example, when I knew that Fergie is pregnant I was so mad at her husband that I was even ready to kill him. Of course that's just an exaggeration and I've said that just to spice things up you know. But it really hurt me when news papers were writing about it however I am happy for Stacy although they're ain't my kids. Anyway, the same thing I have with [url=http://rollandusela.livejournal.com]elisha cuthbert naked[/url] because there is this photo that I saw today and let me tell you about it.

She is having a rest on a beach and looks so happy. I can't forget those sparkly bikinis she was wearing. Oh boy, they were underlining her sexy curvy forms almost perfect and how come you never saw this one, I am surprised. Just look at [url=http://jennymccarthyhot.typepad.com]jenny mccarthy hot[/url] and I have to say they're so damn big that not every bikini swim suit will handle them. I bet she orders some very solid and quality material so that those babies didn't popped open and flashed all the paparazzi around. Those ropes that handle this bra are probably made of steel or something... just kidding though.

Anyhow, the ugliest part of this picture is that there is some dude who stands behind her and touches her shoulders. She smiles and they're probably happy together. Man, I wish he was just her brother.

Wow, just look at this website... Don't you just love its main theme? That's right, you will find here as many [url=http://levensonyp.livejournal.com]paz vega desnuda[/url] as possible and thus you can masturbate on them even now. But if it is possible, save you passion till the end and only after I finish you could do that. Of course this is not a mandatory, however I insist on that. Anyway, let's start our review about his hot celebrity.

Why don't we talk about her private parts in details? Sound like some not bad idea at all. Let's start from the top. I love the way she dyes her hair and brunettes are ten times sexier than blonds.

When I see [url=http://laurieholdennude.typepad.com]laurie holden nude[/url] my breath holds like for ten seconds and my heartbeat starts to increase fast. This is all because of her boobs as they are surely the first thing that I look at when I stare at her naked picture. A lot of people will tell you that they think her breast is fake one and she has done at least one plastic surgery so far. But I don't care about this fact although I'm against plastic surgeries in general. It is just in her case we can see a perfect result and even if this is a doctor's work, I am very fond of that result. It looks good and everybody likes that.

You should watch Three movie featuring a few scenes of [url=http://britneyspearsplayboy.typepad.com]britney spears playboy[/url] on the beach. In first scene, she is just walking in water and you can see her tits along with ass too. There is a one nice view right there. The other scene is happening on the beach too and now we can see her lying in sand with some lucky guy and they are kissing and hugging each other. Then they start having sex and you just have to see that.

The third scene also features sex act but this time she is with a completely other man. I haven't watched that movie but I am willing to do that right after this review ends.

Would you like to get one precious advice from [url=http://anitaekbergnude1.typepad.com]anita ekberg nude[/url]? This is about being in shape and taking care of your health. Plus, it is a bit horny so you might be excited after that. "Sex keeps me fit and healthy. What can be better than that?" Well, I don't know what I should do right now. Should I contact her and offer her another lesson of sex? I would do anything to have [url=http://magescovit.livejournal.com]lucy lawless naked[/url] in my bed.

If she compares sex to exercising then I am ready to be her daily coach on it. She will be in the best form ever, but first she will have to sweat a bit with me. I hope you know what I am saying, right? I suggest you to follow her advice and to start doing that regular too however there is no guarantee that doing only this you will lose weight. Don't stop sweating in gym too as this will only increase a process of becoming shapely and sexy. Find yourself a partner that would make love with you at least two times per day if you don't have a boyfriend or a husband. Or you can always rely on me. Leave your comments here and I will help you with that.

Right now here comes the other quote by her that answers the question if women in 50's were looking sexier than now. "Women were so much sexier in 50's. This is what I aspire to look like." I don't know what makes her think that way but when I saw [url=http://michellepfeiffernaked.typepad.com]michelle pfeiffer naked[/url] where she wore a makeup from 50's she was looking damn hot. But the problem is, that I haven't found any woman that could be compared with her. I say, back in those days, there were no such women like her and the word "beauty" meant something different. You didn't have to get nude so that people would be crazy about you. Since that time a lot of things have changed and the world is not the same already.

I hope you have enjoyed all those fancy pictures of that woman because this was very hard to make happen for you. Those that haven't masturbated yet can do that right now and the rest can get out of here. Just kidding, don't be so serious.
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16.11.2011 18:05
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75. анонимен - Some Celebrity Babe must be in next months Playboy?
17.11.2011 06:12
Those people that haven't seen [url=http://britneyspearsdesnudana.tumblr.com]britney spears desnuda[/url] will be quite surprised with such photos like that I have prepared.

She was born in Florida and I have to say that you can see that by her tan. Oh yeah, she has beautiful skin even now at the age of 38. You probably didn't know she is that many, right? Have a look at [url=http://sharonstonesexyz.tumblr.com]sharon stone sex[/url] and you will be amazed even more. Do you know why? Well, in my own opinion I would say this is all thanks to her healthy lifestyle and exercising every single day. Sounds kind of easy but when you start doing the same I am sure that half of you will step back from that and continue to live unhealthy life. Tough choice, but you have to make a decision quick as life is pretty shorter than you think.

I have one photo of her that differs from the rest as she is so hot on it that when I was masturbating on it, it took me only one minute to cumm the whole screen. I am talking about that kind of pic where she is underwater in her bikinis and she smiles to the camera. You can see there he nipples through her shirt and some nice shots on her gorgeous ass too.

Well boys and girls that was nice I think and some of you might even masturbate on them, right? Oh, yeah, girls also like [url=http://rashidajonesnipplenp.tumblr.com]rashida jones nipple[/url] as she is very popular among lesbians as well.

First I saw [url=http://colinfarrellsextapelr.tumblr.com]colin farrell sex tape[/url] was in Watchmen, however she was stripping out in a lot of different movies as well.

Man I think you should know that this review about [url=http://rihannasextapeil.tumblr.com]rihanna sex tape[/url] was prepared by sick me. No, not mentally, although I think I have some headache. The point is that I have an incredible pain in my tooth and the dentist that I go to is not working today. Damn, what a bad situation there. I have tried some painkillers in the morning but that was lame you know as it helped me only on about five minutes or something. Then I thought "I can't let my readers down because they have got to see [url=http://amandaholdennakedtz.tumblr.com]amanda holden naked[/url] as I promised I'll do that for them. So this is why, I went on my balcony and opened my safety closet where I hide some weed on a bad day. Well, today is pretty bad I said to myself and that's why I lighted it up. Man, the pain has gone in about one minute and while I was smoking that stuff I barely forgot what I should do. Anyway, thanks to that joint you can see this post and a lot of her nice pictures from Watchmen and some other movies where she has flashed us with either her tits or ass which is also not bad at all.

Ok, let's say goodbye to each other and I guess I'll see all of you back here together on Sunday or something. If you liked this website pretty much then why don't you put it in your bookmarks?

She is not old at all as 38 is just a number. I mean who cares about the age when it comes to watching [url=http://aishwaryaraisextz.tumblr.com]aishwarya rai sex[/url] and stuff like that? By the way, this is exactly what I offer you today.

Now you just have to listen to me as I won't repeat twice. This photo of her that I am willing to tell you about will blow your head and penis off. If you want to masturbate on it then please think about it as you may cumm all yours computer table and monitor as well. Yep, that's how hot she is on that picture and let's say you agreed to do that.

She is standing in the middle of nowhere that looks like a desert or something to me. Do you know what she is wearing there? Absolutely nothing, except for that fishing net which she holds to cover her goodies and pussy too… But I have to say we still can see her right boob nipple and I can bet this was made on purpose. Yeah, that's right, you can zoom that picture in and then you will see what I am talking about.

Man, she has the most amazing body I have ever seen. For her age this is pretty nice looking woman that looks younger and sexier than a lot of female celebrities I know and that are under 35. You should definitely see [url=http://sarapaxtonnudeyi.tumblr.com]sara paxton nude[/url] and wearing absolutely nothing as only that way you can see her body and enjoy by that. By the way I hope you have done with your masturbation during my review.

If you can't believe that those pictures of [url=http://britneyspearspornod.tumblr.com]britney spears porn[/url] are real then I don't blame you. Let's start the show with this quote by her anyway.

"I really love pouring myself into a character for several months and leaving her, ... Pouring myself into someone for a long time is very intimidating to me."- says [url=http://milakunisnudefo.tumblr.com]mila kunis nude[/url]. She says that she loves to live her character's life and this is pretty easy to understand as her life is probably pretty boring. Just kidding by the way… How come a life of an actor or actress can be boring? That's impossible I guess.

I wonder what's happening when she has to play some whore that loves to get tapped. Wouldn't that mean we can see [url=http://jaimepresslynakedio.tumblr.com]jaime pressly naked[/url] walking in her apartment as some kind of practicing? If that so, then I would secure her house 24 on 7. Moreover, I think I would just knock to her door and wait until she opens however this is ridiculous. It would be much better to get inside the house through the window. Oh yeah, whatever you do to see her naked.

Ok, I'm pretty flattered and tired because this review has took a lot of power from me and that's why I need to recover a bit so that on the next day, let's say tomorrow, you would have something to read and someone to look at as I am going to find the other celebrities with their gorgeous nude photos by that time. See you quite soon so don't miss me much.

Welcome to [url=http://katherineheiglnudequ.tumblr.com]katherine heigl nude[/url] website featuring her finest photos absolutely bare and without her clothes. You should be pretty happy as this woman won't let you go anywhere else so enjoy.

To warm you up somehow here is a quote by [url=http://madonnanudeiu.tumblr.com]madonna nude[/url]. "By the time I'm 80, I want to have played almost every role." I hope when she is 80 we will be able to see that because nobody wants to die, right? Moreover, I wish she made it till that age and maybe we will see her playing some grandma or other old lady. But her background is already quite solid I would say as she has a lot of roles played till now. It seems that she wants more, a lot more than that. She wants to play a lesbian, policeman, doctor and some other characters. Well, what can I say? She is 38 years old right now and she still has got like 42 years in advance to do that. Wow, it seems to be pretty much to me. Anyway, she can play three or four times more roles than she has already did. Let's wish her good luck on this.

If you allow me, then I would like to start characterizing her sexuality and some separate gorgeous body parts. After that, I will put here a list of movies where you can see [url=http://mariasharapovanudebr.tumblr.com]maria sharapova nude[/url] and not just that. But for now, let's do our first job.

I think it would be nice to mention her hairstyle first as many people are inspired by that and they try to imitate it as well. [url=http://annehathawaytoplessyu.tumblr.com]anne hathaway topless[/url] likes to do something in the style of 50's or something and this is what so many people like to copy too. I can understand her and in fact, this hairstyle is way more glamour than modern ones. It is a pleasure watching her like that and especially if she wears some clothes from 50's as well. I guess she likes those times although she has never lived there.

Ok, we have done with her hairstyle and now it is time to go a bit further and see something else. How about [url=http://kellybrookplayboyfy.tumblr.com]kelly brook playboy[/url]? Those babies are quite big and I am just sure she knows that. I wonder is it hard for her to sleep on her belly, or she does it only on her back. Also, is it comfortable to run with that heavy accessory? Well, the only thing I can tell on this count is that watching how [url=http://tinafeynudele.tumblr.com]tina fey nude[/url] is running would be something every man would love to be a witness of. Marvelous tits, so elastic and natural as well…

Now let's see some movies with [url=http://shannontweednuderf.tumblr.com]shannon tweed nude[/url] playing there. First up is Jaded and here you will be able to see two main scenes of her and who knows, maybe you might want to masturbate on them. Why? Well, just because if that first scene you will be able to see her big tits while she is seating against the wall and all wet after taking a shower. Her nipples exposed perfectly so expect to see them too. The other scene is happening on the beach where you will be able to see [url=http://shakirahotxo.tumblr.com]shakira hot[/url] and even her pussy will be noticed in that one.

The other movies are as followed: Sin City with her naked appearance and couple of other scenes where you will see her bare big boobs, Judas Kiss featuring some love scene of her and some other guy. In that one there can be noticed that she exposes her ass right in the camera so don't miss that as well.

This is something like conclusion quote by [url=http://ellemacphersonnudedq.tumblr.com]elle macpherson nude[/url] and it is about what it is like to be a celebrity. "You just became the most important person on the planet." I don't think that she is the most important person on our planet, but having [url=http://jessicabielnudehi.tumblr.com]jessica biel nude[/url] is kind of important and pretty hard. I believe she was trying to say that a few years ago you are just a person and now you can count yourself popular as you know so many people out there love you and they will do anything you want. But if you are a celebrity you shouldn't be too much proud of yourself as that is a sin. Just stay popular and be modest. Help people and love people because you know that they love you as well. And finally, try to be closer with your fans and let them know that you're not more special than they are.

And that my friends, is what I call the end.
76. анонимен - Прикольные форумы
29.11.2011 23:58
77. анонимен - Auto Photos
30.11.2011 12:24
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82. анонимен - Anyone Else Getting Tired of VS Models?
29.01.2012 19:25
I was watching [url=http://evetorresnude2.typepad.com]eve torres nude[/url] once and then I realized why not to make the whole website that would be dedicated to those photos of her... This idea is realized right now as you can see and this post is sort of as introduction. I hope you can get the maximum of what I am offering you... But before that, take a look at this photo of [url=http://marisatomeinudegq.tumblr.com]marisa tomei nude[/url] naked that I have right here... Don't you think this one is the best among the other ones? Anyway, let's start our review already then.

She is blond and I love them very much... Being 20 years old I think she has done pretty much for her life. Most teens at the same age are either in college or having a party all day long seating without a job... But [url=http://selenagomeznaked3.typepad.com]selena gomez naked[/url] is just an example for all of us... If you put your heart and soul into something then it will work for sure.

I bet every man regardless of age and sexual orientation would love to see [url=http://vanessahudgensnakedyo.tumblr.com]vanessa hudgens naked[/url] because that kind of beauty cannot be ignored.

Her body is something well proportioned and so young that I think she could do modeling with no problems. The only problem that could stop her from making that career is probably her height... Honestly, I don't know how tall she really is but when I see some photos of [url=http://shakiranakedbf.tumblr.com]shakira naked[/url] I start assuming she is not less than 5'7 which is totally enough for becoming a model.

Her tits seem to be pretty small for me but I forget about that little shortage when I realize they are so smooth and elastic... Just imagining that you touch them can make you feel very excited... at least, works with me. I bet woman like her won't ever do a plastic surgery. Besides, she is 20 only and maybe she needs more time for her boobs to grow... I wish her tits would be pretty big in future... but only natural.

How about her ass? It is much bigger than her breasts so I think it is ok... She probably works in gym or something because having that cute butt without a hard work is impossible.

Now it is time to introduce you something else besides those pictures of [url=http://alyssamilanonakeduw.tumblr.com]alyssa milano naked[/url] above as I think you might get bored with them... although this is something very hard to believe in. I will go with this one. "There's more to life than dating the boy on the football team." First of all, I bet all football players in her high school were trying to date her and many of them tried to get a chance to see [url=http://jamielynnspearsnakedek.tumblr.com]jamie lynn spears naked[/url] too... But I guess all of them failed as this girl has got some new and pretty high demands that have lead her to where she is right now. All school girls should take an example from her because there is more in your life than dating some popular guy from school. If you think that this can make you popular too, you are wrong... First of all, there is no guarantee that he will be a professional player and earn millions. Most people are ended up like Ell Bundy... this is pretty obvious comparison, but I guess it is funny.

So, how about we settle on this... Becoming popular means working hard from day to day which is what exactly [url=http://mariahcareysextape2.typepad.com]mariah carey sex tape[/url] did and I'm very proud of this girl...

Nude celebrities have always been something all people want to be a part of... For example, when I look at this picture of [url=http://kristenbellnaked3.typepad.com]kristen bell naked[/url] the only thing I can think of is pretending me being there with her on that pic. But there is nothing bad in that, right? Nobody kills or charges for that kind of thoughts... just kidding though, don't take it serious. Anyway, I would like to present you the second quote from her...

"People haven't always been there for me but music always has." Well, if you ask me to be there for you [url=http://clairedanesnudeyo.tumblr.com]claire danes nude[/url], I will always do that. I bet everyone else is feeling the same way, right? If not, then how about checking out some [url=http://kathleenrobertsonnudehg.tumblr.com]kathleen robertson nude[/url] first and then I think you're ready...

I have got some [url=http://goldiehawnnude2.typepad.com]goldie hawn nude[/url] right there that I would like to share them with you if that's ok. Anyway, I hope you don't mind at all. Well then, let's go.

First I saw [url=http://christamillernudelm.tumblr.com]christa miller nude[/url] was somewhere between April and May on some nice photos. Back there I didn't pay much attention to her as a personality but when I realized how hot she really is I started to try to get her know better. The first thing that I have noticed about this young girl was her tiny tits. You might wonder how it was possible to notice them but let me tell you that when you see a woman standing topless it is pretty hard not to.

I guess it is time for our quote of the day from [url=http://elizabethbanksnaked3.typepad.com]elizabeth banks naked[/url] so here it is "I've never really been popular with the boys." Too bad to hear that because woman like could easily do that thing. Being popular among boys is always tough but when you are pretty just like [url=http://victoriajusticeporn2.typepad.com]victoria justice porn[/url], you can run them whatever you like and this is just fun for girls... I know that because I have been manipulated by one hot chick before I knew she only needed hard and dirty sex from me. Of course that didn't hurt at all but you get this feeling being a male whore and this is kind of unpleasant, you know.

Oh, that was quite nice, wasn't it? I think you liked it pretty much as I did.

Knock, knock... Who's there? It is me again but this time I have got some fresh [url=http://amandacrewnudebu.tumblr.com]amanda crew nude[/url] with me, so can I come in? Thank you.

Have you noticed what kind of curly and long gold hairs [url=http://lindsaylohannudepics2.typepad.com]lindsay lohan nude pics[/url] has? Oh yeah, this is the first thing why I love this woman. The second one would be her breast and then ass by the way. But let's stop on hairs. They are so rare and precious that I think she takes care of them every few hours. Can you imagine how much money she spends all the time to make a good hairstyle and those really expansive shampoos and other stuff that is just necessary? If you sum the whole money she gives on her hairs every month I am sure it will be ten times more than your monthly paycheck... No offence though.

As you know, it is time for her quote. "I love make-up. I play with my look and try on all kinds of colors" Girl, you are so young and gorgeous... Why would you need this stuff? I understand if Pam or Paris does that kind of thing all the time because they are uglier than you... Don't get me wrong, that's not what I was trying to say. You are very hot and I love you so much, but don't play with makeup because you can get used to it.

Yep, I know it was great and you had fun today... But unfortunately, we have to say goodbye to each other now.

If you don't believe that these pictures of [url=http://mollysimsnudebb.tumblr.com]molly sims nude[/url] are real then explain yourself because if you don't then I am going to have to ask you to leave... just kidding by the way.

What a view... it is so amazing, isn't it? Oh, I am sorry, I didn't tell you. Have a look at this photo featuring [url=http://lindsaylohannudepics2.typepad.com]lindsay lohan nude pics[/url] because I am sure you won't forget that ever. She is only 20 years old but she is so pretty and mature already. I wonder how sexy she will look by the age of 30 or something because according to my pretty solid experience most women get their maxim sexuality when they something between 30 and 35. This is the top of being sexy and right now all women should support me... But don't think that if you are 49 or even 60 you can't look sexy anymore. There are thousands of examples that I can give you right here but you should know that by yourself.

And now here is her quote that might help you "In middle school and junior high, all my friends ditched me, so I was really lonely." I guess the problem was that [url=http://elinnordegrennude4.typepad.com]elin nordegren nude[/url] was nerd back there and thus nobody really wanted to be friends with her. But she tried to be herself and I bet they would carry her on their hands if only they knew what kind of star she will turn too pretty soon. And she did actually, however it is too late for those people.

This is it fellows, have a nice day.

I hope that this photo of [url=http://vannawhitenudewk.tumblr.com]vanna white nude[/url] will be applicable here as that's what this review is all about.

Do you think you can easily watch those [url=http://pamelaandersonporncv.tumblr.com]pamela anderson porn[/url] on the web? Nah, I don't think so. You will have to do your best to find them as this is something quite rare and unique. It is not like for example searching Pam's naked photos because the whole world knows how to find them and the whole web is full of those sick pics. But if you come to this website by your own it means you did your best and right now you will definitely see some of those pics...

I saw this quote from her the other day and thought you might be interested. "A letdown is worth a few songs. A heartbreak is worth a few albums" I can fully agree with her on this point but there is something I don't like about her songs. No, really, they are like similar to each other and either about love or heartbreak which is probably the same thing. I would advise [url=http://kellyreillynude3.typepad.com]kelly reilly nude[/url] to step of a bit that kind of theme as first of all, she repels guys with her music by saying how some boy let someone down or something. And singing about love will only attract women and I don't think you are a lesbian.

Wow, I didn't expect this review will be that nice which means I did a good job here.

You probably came here for some [url=http://rosamundpikenude3.typepad.com]rosamund pike nude[/url], right? Then please explain me one thing... What the hell are you waiting for?

Who would thought that we will watch one day these gorgeous pics of [url=http://cotedepablonaked2.typepad.com]cote de pablo naked[/url] and will talk about the way her tits look on them. By the way, let's do that. I think her tits are pretty nice except for the fact that small. But I guess that's ok as she is only 20 years old and maybe they will grow a bit in some nearest future... At least that's what all her male fans hope for. I actually don't think that all men who can say [url=http://hayleyatwellnude4.typepad.com]hayley atwell nude[/url] is one of their favorites, love her for her songs... They surely like her sexuality and the way she looks.

Now it would be appropriate to put this quote here... And just so you know it is from her. "Somebody who has a compatible sense of humor with me, this would be the most important thing," I have a huge sense of humor that can probably beat yours, [url=http://sunnyleonenudexn.tumblr.com]sunny leone nude[/url]. If you don't believe me then come on... bring it on. But being serious, I wish her to find that kind of guy that would make her laugh every day and she couldn't stop loving him for that... Damn it, I sound like gay again... Damn her songs, they make me feel sissy. See, I told you I can be fun.

Sad, very sad to say that but this is the end of my review... So I guess goodbye.

This good girl can be gone bad pretty soon. Take a chance to look at [url=http://camerondiazsextapekk.tumblr.com]cameron diaz sex tape[/url] here and you will understand what I am talking about. But for me, being bad is kind of sexy.

I wonder what it is like to see [url=http://annehathawaynaked4.typepad.com]anne hathaway naked[/url] live standing right in front of you. This chance will get only her boyfriend I guess and no one else... Well, maybe some doctor but I was talking about having sex. That fellow will be very happy and I will be calling him the luckiest son of a bitch, in a good way of course. Man, I wish I was her boyfriend just for one night and I would make a party and invite all my friends so they were jealous. And then, on the next morning I would say to them that I dumped her. That would be cool.

I remember this quote from her that I am sure you will find both, hilarious and useful "I feel kind of unnatural looking down to people and they looking up to you" What to do [url=http://kimkardashiansexscenern.tumblr.com]kim kardashian sex scene[/url]? You are such tall. I mean she is almost 6 feet sharp and now imagine her wearing high heels... She will be about 6'2 or something after that. I wonder what kind of guy she wants for herself... Probably 6'6 or something, but not less... I bet she needs a basketball player to date with. Yeah, that's it. They will look kind of sexy and very unreachable for paparazzi if you know what I am saying.

So anyway, I hope you keep reading my reviews because they are fun and very hot.

Would you like to see [url=http://selenagomezfakes3.typepad.com]selena gomez fakes[/url]? If that's so, then I welcome you. This place is something where you can check her out totally without her clothes.
What do we know about her ass? I don't mind calling it two nice pies because that is a precise description for it. If you look at this [url=http://rachaeltaylornude2.typepad.com]rachael taylor nude[/url] I have hot right here you will be able to check her butt in some different angle which will give you some very nice view of it. But the point is to appreciate them, so go ahead.
I forgot about one thing to put here... it is her quote "I always have an idea who I want to thank if I win" This is pretty obvious. In fact, I say there is no celebrity that would say something quite extraordinary during that ceremony of winning speech. They all sound very banal and to be honest people are getting sick of it. I think, if they don't come up with something spicy or at least unique and different from those "thanks" the crowd won't be clapping at all because this is getting all people bored. Come one you guys, you are so smart... [url=http://jenniferlopezpornnu.tumblr.com]jennifer lopez porn[/url], you are not stupid blond, aren't you? Then think of anything that would differ from those "I want to thank my producer and my fans. Nothing would be possible without you. Also thanks to my cat Kittles as he inspired me so much with his peeing on my shoes" and some other crap like that.
Yeah, this was pretty fun and I liked it very much. I hope you have same feelings about this. Bye.
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